Friday, June 21, 2024

Getting busy.....

5:50 am - Friday - June 21st - LPG&RVR - 49° F, humidity 57%, wind 1 mph out of the northeast.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 90° F.  On this date in 2020 we were overnighting at the Cabela's in Billings, MT.....

 The first day back at work after a long 4 day weekend is always a little tough, but I get into the flow pretty quickly.  It was to be a busy day, as Thursdays mean the driving range must be cleared of balls, and there had been a lot of people hitting balls since it was cleared on Monday, however, nothing can be done about that until 11 am, as that is the earliest we can close the range.  Once it is closed at 11 am, it doesn't reopen until 2 pm, giving DeWayne time to mow it.

On my first round of the course I found the goose/duck leavings have increased to levels not seen in a couple of weeks....doh!  I thought we were past this, but apparently I was premature in my expectations.  I also raked all four sand traps before returning to the Clubhouse.

Once there I turned the irrigation down at the Night Registration office lawn, and at the large grass area by site #30.  I don't think the water is on long enough at that grass area when it is watered automatically during the night.  I left those sprinklers on for 3 hours, so I hope that will be enough to get it green once again.

The group occupying the small pavilion left around 10:15 am, so I quickly retrieved the 3 bag Husqvarna, and mowed it.  We should have a new group arriving on Friday.  After that I headed out to the driving range to begin picking up the balls on the edges where the ball picker doesn't work too well.  By 11 am I closed the range, and hooked up our Club Car utility cart to the ball picker and began clearing the range.  I finished right at 12 pm, just in time for TLE to take her lunch break.

After lunch I moved the sprinklers down at the Night Registration office a few times, then turned off the sprinklers at the large aforementioned grass area by site #30.  I retrieved a Stihl string trimmer and did a little weed abatement around the Night Registration office for good measure.

By the time I finished with the weed abatement carts were beginning to return, and I spent the balance of the afternoon washing, and stowing almost 30 carts.....we rented all but 5 of our carts on Thursday....a good day for LPG&RVR.  In between each wave of carts returning I put on my marshaling hat and made a round of the course.  Had to caution some folks on hole #16 for playing with 5 people....we do not allow more than a foursome on each fairway.

Upon my return to the Clubhouse I found another 8 carts ready for their spa treatment, and as I washed those more returned.  By the end of my shift at 3:30 pm all but 3 carts had returned, so I'll have them to wash Friday morning.  We'll be putting close to 30 carts out on Friday, and probably all of our carts on Saturday as the annual Likely Volunteer Fire Department Tournament is scheduled.

TLE was home by 5:20 pm....she drove herself home in one of the carts that didn't return until after I went home.  The park is about 90% full as I write, and will edge up to 100% by the 4th of July weekend, so we will be extra busy for the next 2 weeks for sure.

Thanks for stopping by!

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