Saturday, June 15, 2024

Cooling trend....

5:51 am - Saturday - June 15th - LPG&RVR - 47° F, humidity 58%, wind 4 mph out of the north......partially cloudy today with a forecast high of 69° F!  On this date in 2020 TLE and I were heading north from Henry's Lake, ID towards Livingston, MT.....

This week Friday was really our 'Thursday' in the 4 days on, 4 days off work schedule.  I still had some mowing, and trimming left over from Thursday, but before that could happen I needed to make my first round of the course.  On this day I raked all four sand traps, and they are really looking great.  I cannot take any credit for the lack of weeds in each trap this year.  That credit goes to Lynn (wife of mower Mike) who works mornings on days I'm off work.  She likes to weed, and that is fine with!  Once again, thank you Jesus, there were very few goose/duck leavings at the #3 tee boxes.

Upon my return to the Clubhouse I retrieved one of the Stihl string trimmers, and got all four employee lawns trimmed, as well as 4 of the back in Meadows sites, which I had mowed the day previous.  I then finished mowing site #20 (there was a tent on the grass Thursday, which had to be moved before I could finish).  Next up I mounted the 2 bag Husqvarna and mowed around the putting green, as well as the tee boxes for hole #10, then went up the hill to mow around the small Gazebo as a new group was due to arrive early afternoon.  By that time it was 12 pm, and time for TLE's lunch break.

The temp only got to 82° F Thursday, which was a nice change.  After lunch I headed out to mow around the rest of the tee boxes for which I am responsible (3, 15, 16, 17 & 18), and was back at the Clubhouse around 2:30 pm with just an hour left in my work day.  There were 15 golf carts in need of their daily spa treatment.  I was able to get them washed, and stowed within 40 minutes.  Just as I was putting away the last of those 15 carts 4 more returned, and I was able to get them washed, and put away by 3:30 pm.....19 carts in 60 minutes.  We rented close to 25 golf carts Friday, so I'm sure there will be some to wash Saturday morning.

Having that 90 minutes to take a shower, and relax before retrieving TLE form the Clubhouse is always nice, and I'm pretty sure there was a short nap thrown in for good measure.  Only one day of work left before we begin another 4 day weekend, and the temp will be back in the high 60's....we're in the middle of a 'cool' wave, as opposed to a heatwave, for which we are all grateful.

Thanks for stopping by!

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