Saturday, June 22, 2024

Solstice time.....

5:52 am - Saturday - June 22nd - LPG&RVR - 52° F, humidity 56%, wind zero mph out of the east.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 94° F.  On this date in 2022 TLE and I were heading home from Surprise Valley Hot Springs in Cedarville, CA and caught a view of Mt. Shasta in the distance....

We staged another 20 golf carts to begin Friday, and ultimately rented 24.  It has been a busy week at LPG&RVR.  Once again I was greeted by copious amounts of goose/duck leavings at the tee boxes for the third hole.  I don't think it was this bad this late in June last year.  I also raked all four sand traps.  All the while I was doing that I had the irrigation going at the Night Office, which required numerous trips by me to move the sprinklers throughout the day.  I think we've finally caught up with the watering there as there are just a few small brown patches left now.

It just occurred to me that I failed to remark about the the summer solstice, which came and went yesterday, or the day before, so the days will be getting shorter for the rest of the summer. The sun is setting at 8:39 pm now, but before you know it will be setting before 8 pm.  Time is marching ever onward.

We had a high temperature Friday of 90° F, and today, Saturday, it will be 95°, the hottest day this week.  I'm surprised at how well I'm handling the heat this summer.  Maybe it's because I continue to lose weight.  I kind of leveled out at 184 for a couple of weeks, but I'm on the move again, and down to 182 now.  My goal of 177 is just 5 pounds away now....I can't believe it.

After giving TLE her lunch break I mounted the 2 bag Husqvarna to do my weekly mowing around the tee boxes for which I am responsible.  I was only gone a tad over an hour.  When I left there were two golf carts in the CART RETURN area, but when I returned there were 18....doh!  I really don't like to tackle that many at one time, but it was what is was.  They were parked all the way across the parking lot almost to the dumpster, so I had to quickly rearrange them into three rows to clear the parking lot.  Within an hour I had them washed, and mostly put away for the night.  By the time I headed home around 3:30 pm there were still 4 outstanding.

Saturday is the annual tournament benefiting the Likely Volunteer Fire Department, so it will crazy around here all day.  Time to get those carts staged for the tournament.  Have a great day, and I will 'see' you tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by!

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