Wednesday, June 26, 2024

'Lido decking'

6:59 am - Wednesday - June 26th - LPG&RVR - 67° F, humidity 45%, wind 5 mph out of the south by southeast.....partly cloudy today with a forecast high of 86° F.  On this date in 2017 TLE and I were at the Roosevelt Lodge in Yellowstone NP enjoying Elk Sliders....yum....

We had intended to take our 2 mile out and back walk earlier Tuesday, so when I didn't wake until 7:45 am I thought we had blown  I told TLE what time it was, and added if we wanted to avoid a hot walk we should get up, get dressed and walk ASAP.  Surprisingly, she agreed.  We were out the door by 8:05 am coffee, no blog posted.  We managed to average 3.2 mph for the course, and were back in 37 minutes......

.....we sat on the 'lido deck' cooling down from the walk for a while.  We think this year's version of our 'lido deck' is the best yet, and really enjoy just sitting our there in the mornings, and evenings.  

We needed to buy some groceries so we headed into town around 10:30 am reaching ACE Hardware around 10:50 am.  TLE wanted to buy a red clay flower pot for her recently acquired aloe vera plant, so she can transplant it in the next few days.  Next up was Holiday Market where we found 3 New York Strip steaks on sale for $31....before marking them down the price had been $61.  We've been able to get some incredible deals on meat there over the past three summers, and this was just another example.  

We were home by 12:45 pm with our spoils....while TLE put away the groceries I went out to the trailer to do my strengthening workout.  I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I use one of those spring loaded things you squeeze with each hand to increase hand strength for the last 2 years.  I do 50 reps with each hand, and have really noticed less stiffness in my hands, plus a much stronger grip.  I'd wake up some mornings and not be able to form a fist, plus I was having more difficulty opening things with a lid.  All of that has disappeared over past two years.  Oh, by the way, I weighed in at 180.4 a few days ago, so I'm just a tad over 3 pounds away from my goal of 177.  I haven't been this low since the early 90's.

The A/C was on by 1:30 pm, and after my workout I retreated indoors for the afternoon.  Late afternoon the cloud cover got pretty thick, and it cooled down outside much earlier than normal so we turned off the A/C and went outdoors around 4 pm to sit on the 'lido deck' again.  By 5:30 pm I had lit the Sea-B-Que in preparation for the grilling of one of those New York Strip steaks....

....notice the great marbling.  Since it had cooled down so quickly Tuesday we decided to eat our dinner on the 'dining/gaming deck'.  I neglected to take a picture of the freshly grilled steak, but did get a picture of what was left after TLE and I cut off what we wanted....perfect medium rare.....

TLE brought out the A-1 Steak Sauce, but the steak did not need anything, so cutter warm butter with a hot knife

.....the Copa America soccer tournament is being played right now in the USA, and a match between Argentina (current FIFA World Cup champs) and Chile was on Fox Sports so we turned on the 'dining/gaming deck' TV to watch it while we ate....very cool.  Argentina won 1-nil scoring the game's only goal in the 88th minute...

Our lovely 'lido deck' in the distance the time the match finished it was after 8 pm.  We were going to play a game of 'Phase 10', but by 8 pm we were a little the worse for the wine, and just went inside to wind down before bed time.  TLE was in bed by 9 pm, and I followed 30 minutes later.  

Around midnight the heavy cloud cover began to yield rain.  At first it was just a sprinkle, but eventually began to come down pretty heavily for about 30 minutes.  By the time I got up this morning (Wednesday) there was no evidence it had rained at all.

Thanks for stopping by!

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