7:40 am - Friday - March 21st - TWW - 35° F, humidity 38%, wind 4 mph out of the east by southeast....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 68° F. On this date in 2015 TLE and I were beginning our daily sunset fire at Lone Rock (shores of Lake Powell, just north of Page, AZ).....
After the better part of 10+ days with weather, and shoulder injuries preventing any meaningful work being done here at TWW, it was finally time to get back to work. My shoulder is feeling great, and the local geography is dry once again. TLE and I began the day with the redeployment of our patio awning/sun screens, then drove to the water station to load another 1800 gallons of water into the 6 IBY water totes on the water trailer. With this load we now have close to 10,000 gallons of water on the property right now. We won't need anymore water for a while, that's for sure!
After returning for the water station I spent about 30 minutes replacing a couple of rotted two by fours I had cut out a couple of weeks ago with pressure treated wood.....
.....then Charles and I began to apply the primer coat to the wooden greenhouse framework. While Charles began painting the southwest corner of the greenhouse using a roller.....
.....I began cutting in the bare wood along the roof peak using a sash brush. Once we get the primer coat applied we'll go back and apply another coat of paint, then we can install the roof......
....Charles and I worked until after 3 pm before calling it a day, and cleaning up our mess. Oh yeah, I also scavenged a door handle from an old, broken screen door behind the garage, and installed it on the current glass entry door....
Meanwhile, the ladies worked at grinding up cow patties into fertilizer using an old 'Ninja' blender Phyllis bought at a thrift store for, I think, $11. You can buy actual fertilizer grinders for quite a bit of money if you wish, but this old Ninja works well for a tiny fraction of that cost. It actually worked better than the ladies first expected, and before long they had ground enough cow patties to cover the surface of both of the raised planters next to the greenhouse.....
....so, again I say, the land provides! They'll add some more topsoil, and fertilizer, then it will be time to plant something!
We had another communal dinner in the house around 4 pm to bring to a close another beautiful, productive day here at The Wilson Wilderness. It is great to be getting things done again! We're hoping to get the new 6' high fencing installed by the end of the weekend, too.
Thanks for stopping by!
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