Monday, March 24, 2025


 7:50 am - Monday - March 24th - TWW - 49° F (almost 50° at 7:50 am!?), humidity 34%, wind 4 mph out of the east.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 77° F.  On this date in 2012 TLE and I were in Baton Rouge, LA.....

Vintage Coca-Cola sign in Baton Rouge near the old Capitol building

The rotunda in the old Capitol building

We bid adieu to Charles and Phyllis around 10 am Sunday, and we were once again alone for another 5 days.  We got a lot done on the greenhouse during their 4 day stay.  It also time to dump our black tank, refill our fresh water tank, and refill our 275 gallon IBC water tote.  All of that takes time, especially refilling the IBC water using just gravity, but what else have we got to do, right?  Well, there are always five other things to do, and Charles had asked us to empty the old water heater tank in preparation for the installation of the new one next weekend (we hope), which we've had for a while.  No point in wasting water, so we ran our 100' contractors hose over to one of the raised growing beds next to the greenhouse, and did that just that, once again using gravity.....

From the water heater....

....around the two 2,500 gallon water storage tanks..... the raised growing bed

.....while the water heater was draining we finished refilling our IBC water tote, so we drug the 4 connected 2" suction hoses over to the second raised growing bed (very heavy with water still in them), and TLE began to water it just using gravity generated water pressure..... between all of that activity I watched portions of this year's installment of 'March Madness', and there were some good games which came right down to the last few possessions before the winner was determined.  Sadly, my UCLA Bruins did not make it past the round of 32, losing handily to Tennessee by 15, or 16 points.

After 3 days of working on the greenhouse it was nice not to be involved in any big projects, and by 2 pm we were pretty much done with work.  We decided to have our first sunset fire in quite a long time.  As you know, the sunset in these parts is now occurring close to 7 pm, so we don't have to rush dinner, which is nice, to get out for sunsets like we did two months ago.   We convened at our portable, stainless steel fire pit (we've had it since 2005....20 years!!!), which is now in front of our trailer, around 6:15 pm, and enjoyed the early evening as darkness once again enveloped TWW.  By 7:30 pm we were heading back inside for the night....

.....thanks for stopping by!

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