Saturday, March 22, 2025

That is a lot of raw wood to prime!

 7:28 am - Saturday - March 22nd - TWW - 48° F, humidity 30%, wind 6 mph out of the south....partially cloudy today with a forecast high of 68° F.  On this date in 2023 TLE and I were in La Quinta having lunch at La Quinta Brewing Company.....

We pretty much had one goal in mind Friday, and least Charles and I did.....finish priming all the raw wood on the greenhouse structure.  We worked from 10 am to 2 pm, with a couple of short breaks, and still had not finished priming all the wood.....

Still a lot of raw wood to paint

Half the roof complex is now primed

.....I would say we're around 75% done, and should be able to finish the first coat sometime Saturday morning, and then begin to apply the second coat to the roof complex.

Meanwhile, the ladies were gathering wood from around TWW to restock the firewood box on the wood deck of the house, and that took them the better part of 3 hours.  A couple of things I forgot to write about a couple of days ago was that Charles and Phyllis brought a patio set up from Phoenix, and it is really pretty nice....

....the table and umbrella came out of Charles' storage CONEX down there, and Phyllis acquired the very nice chairs from a local thrift shop for around $12 each....score!  Additionally, they purchased a couple of raised, cedar planters for the greenhouse interior.....

.....they will probably buy a couple more in the near future, but it is a start!

Of course, we had dinner in the house with Charles and Phyllis around 3:15 pm, but did not tarry too long afterwards as I was bone tired, and needed a nap, plus, as you must know, 'March Madness 2025' has begun this week, and there were a few games I wanted to watch before bed time.  We were in bed by 10 pm, and I slept 'like a log' until just after 5 pm, when I got up to go to the bathroom.  I'm enjoying being back to work after a long layoff, and I always sleep better when I've put in a good day of labor.

Thanks for stopping by!

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