7:21 am - Sunday - March 23rd - TWW - 46° F, humidity 44%, wind 5 mph out of the east....partly cloudy today with a forecast high of 72° F. On this date in 2021 TLE and I were watching another beautiful sunset from our elevated site at Seal Rock RV Cove south of Newport, OR....
Charles and I hoped to finish priming all of the wood structure that is the framework for the greenhouse, and we did finish, but it took way longer than I expected. I thought we would be done in a couple of hours, but we didn't finish until almost 2 pm......
North and west sides....no more raw wood!
South and east sides
South side
North and east sides....you can still see some of the old green paint bleeding through the primer on the eves.
.....it is now a 'white' house, not a greenhouse....lol. These four pictures are provided courtesy of Charles Wilson.
TLE and I made a trip over to Matt and Dawn's homestead to buy 5 dozen ($17.50 total!!!) unwashed, cage free, fertilized eggs around 9:45 am, and were back by 10:20 am. Charles and Phyllis had begun to work on the greenhouse around 9, or 9:30 am, so when we returned a lot of work had already been done. Around noon time the girls called us over to the new picnic table for water and snacks....
....I can see us having dinner out here in the near future as the weather continues to warm. We should see a couple of days in the 80's this week. The low was only 47° F last night!
Anyway, we finally finished priming the greenhouse, and are now getting ready to apply the second coast, which will come next Friday. Charles is going to bring an airless paint gun up from Phoenix, which will allow us to apply the second coat in a couple of hours, or less, enabling us to begin the installation of the new roof.
We convened to the house around 3:40 pm for our fourth communal dinner in as many nights. I grilled hamburgers on the Sea-B-Que, and Phyllis provided sides of spinach and cauliflower salads, while Charles provided the vino...
.....near the end of dinner we called Glenn and Laureen (TLE and Phyllis' sister and brother-in-law, and also the owners of the 1984 Newell Classic) to see how they were doing as we hadn't heard from them in a while. They are doing well, and we are hoping to see them during the coming 12 months!
Thanks for stopping by!
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