Zou Zou's Cafe in downtown Chelsea, MI
When a comment is left on our blog I get an e-mail notification that a comment has been left. The most recent comment was left by Krash and Karen pictured below. They had been following our blog since Cedar Key.....they had been in Cedar Key in January and had actually stayed at Low Key Hideaway, and had met Pat and Cindy Bonish who manage the Hideway. Through Pat and Cindy's blog (Every Mile is a Memory) they found a reference to us and our blog and began reading. Krash and Karen do not currently have an RV, but are very interested in the lifestyle. As it turns out the world is quite small, and they actually live about 20 minutes from Chelsea in a town called Ypsilanti, MI. They wanted to know if it was possible to get together and meet, so we set agreed to meet them Tuesday afternoon at Zou Zou's Cafe in downtown Chelsea for coffee, and then drive out to see our coach. We spent a delightful 3 hours talking about the places we had been....they had also been in Savannah around the same time we had been there. Thank you Krash and Karen for stopping by and making our lives a little richer for having met you!
Krash and Karen
I don't remember if I had put up any pictures of the tool box damaged in my "backing mishap" in Ranburne, AL, but here is a picture of the repaired damage. It's not perfect, but it is much more functional. I just need to re-install the lock on that side.
We have thoroughly enjoyed our time here in Chelsea visiting with my sister and her husband, and we have gotten a small taste of Chelsea and Ann Arbor. On Monday Jill, Elaine and I drove into Ann Arbor to have lunch at the Blue Tractor Brewery and BBQ....what a treat! Great beer, and extremely good pulled pork BBQ. After lunch we walked over to The Treasure Mart, a local consignment shop where Jill found a couple of treasures she could not do without.....lol!
Monday was kind of a drizzly day, so after we returned home we spent the rest of the day inside staying dry, and did some reading. I know I have written this blog a little out of order timeline wise, so I hope I haven't confused anyone....haha!
Today, Wednesday, is get away day....a day I do not enjoy when I have to say goodbye to family and/or friends. Today it is family, and I wish we could have spent another week, but we must continue our westward trek to Spokane. On, or around the 15th of this month (May) Elaine will be leaving me for a week to attend a women's retreat in Oregon that she had been attending for several years. Somewhere around Boise, ID we will unload the T-Bird and she will drive over to the Oregon coast to Cannon Beach. I will will follow her at a much slower pace and meet up with her in Oregon, and then we will head north to Spokane.
Over the next 14 days we will be moving every single day at least 150 miles so there will be a lot to write about!
Thanks for stopping by!!
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