7:54 am - Wednesday - 52 F degrees, 66% humidity, wind 1 mph out of the west.....partly cloudy, sun breaking through......rained on and off most of the night. Slept well....loved hearing the rain on the aluminum roof! Checked my checking account online to find our paychecks had been deposited......YAY......three more paychecks and we are out of here.
Tuesday began with my writing my blog as usual, and then outside sweeping pine needles off the 'grass' and awning mat, then raking our site to kind of spruce it up a little, then began to get ready for work at noon.
We were on the job just before noon, and I immediately did my site check rounds......down to 105 sites occupied. As I made my rounds I noted several sites where there was trash left behind by the customers, as well as one with three BBQ's left behind, and also 2 sites in the tenting area where two sites posts had been knocked over. After I turned in the results of my site check round to TLE I headed back to the sites with trash in them and quickly picked it all up, then headed over to the site with 3 BBQ's, picked them up and took them back to the maintenance yard, got the post hole digger, dug new holes for the site posts, and reset the posts.
I spent time dragging logs to plug up holes where vehicles had been driving illegally, drug logs across sites 101-104 to keep people using the dump station from using them as shortcuts.....yeah, I was busy.
Then I got a call that there was no 50 amp in site 183, so I got my tools and headed over to see what was what. I tested the 30 amp outlet and there was power, but there was none whatsoever in the 50 amp outlet. I then noticed something odd.....there was just a single 30 amp breaker for the 50 amp outlet, which made no sense at all, so I got out my tools to open up the pedestal. When I opened it up I saw that the 30 amp breaker was not hooked up to anything, and there were no hot wires going to the 50 amp outlet.....wait, what? How is that possible? There was no evidence it had been hooked up for years, and the 30 amp breaker just appeared to be there to fill the space next to the other 30 amp breaker. Why we have never had a complaint about this pedestal in the three years I have been here is puzzling Nevertheless, I headed to the maintenance yard to pick up two 50 amp breakers and some appropriate wire to connect the breakers to the 50 amp outlet. It took me about an hour to get it all wired up, and put back together, but I was successful. I'm still puzzled at why no one ever complained, because we do sell that site as a 50 amp site, and I know we have had numerous 50 amp rigs in that site this summer....ah well, one of life's unexplained mysteries.
My next gig was to help the lady in site 151 connect to the internet, which I did successfully.....she offered me a beer for my efforts, but I declined as I was still 'on the job'. Next up I had a call to report to site 112 to help the gentleman set up his portable tripod satellite dish.....that is not something we really do, and I have no experience setting up one successfully......ever. I did show him where he would have to set his dish up to have access to the 'southern sky', and left the rest to him. I've watched my neighbors setting up their portable dishes, and I know how long it can take, and the one thing I didn't want to do was get stuck for an hour doing something at which I had absolutely no chance of being successful.
By this time it was after 5 pm, I feeling like a human ping pong ball, and I hadn't taken my 'lunch break' yet, so I headed for the coach to each lunch and take a short nap.....yup, I was beat after 5 hours of doing what I had been doing.....beat!
By the time I was back to work it was after 6 and the end of my shift was in sight. I closed the pool early because there was no one using it.....by the way, the problem with the pool heater was the lack of propane as I surmised.....the propane guys came Monday and filled our tank, so order in the pool world has been restored.
We were home by 8:20 pm, and sitting by the fire with our friends Charles and Bobbie for their last night here at TVC....originally they booked 5 nights, but like almost everyone who comes to Lake Tahoe they added 2 more days to make it a week.
I was in bed a little after 10 pm, and TLE a short time later.....thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
2 months ago
Always something to do. The trick with a satellite dish is plumb your tripod, set then elevation and skew and point in the direction of the satellite and turn it slightly until you get a good signal. I can usually set ours up on 10 minutes or so as long as not trees etc in the line of sight.