Sunday never felt like Sunday to felt like a weekday all day long. As we drove into Carson City on our single day off between workdays I would see businesses closed, and wonder why for a brief moment before I remembered it was Sunday, and tire stores, auto repair, etc. are rarely open on Sundays. Why were we driving to Carson City on Sunday you might ask? Well, we have this large pile of "stuff" we needed to donate to a thrift store, and all the local thrift stores are for profit, and we wanted to donate this pile to a charitable one, so we chose the Goodwill store in Carson City as the recipient. Of course, that was not our only reason for the long drive....we needed to make one last Costco and TJ's run, and I needed to get a haircut that would last a couple of months.
Our first stop was the Smith's in Dayton, NV.....almost 41 miles away. They have one of the cheapest diesel prices in the area by a lot, and we will be filling up our tank in a little over a week. Smith's is part of Kroger, and we had some fuel points about to expire so we wanted to check out the station in person for ease of access for the Newell, and use the 20 cents off a gallon that was expiring to fill up the Beetle. We ended up paying $3.69 per gallon ($3.89 less the 20 cent per gallon discount) for 91 octane.....the best we have paid in almost a year.....and the station is perfect for the Newell and trailer. It is a little out of the way, but we will be taking on close to 150 gallons in diesel. The current price there for diesel is $3.69, and we hope to get up to a 50 cent discount per gallon on the first 35 gallons by the time we arrive next Tuesday morning.
From there we back tracked to Goodwill and dropped off my old golf bag, a beach umbrella, a couple dozen paperback books of TLE's, our old DVR, a small bike rack, a folding chair, and an old tent. All that stuff pretty much took up the back of the car with the rear seat down. After we finished our donation we went inside to find what we could find that we might not be able to live without. TLE found one pair of jeans, and I found a "sand wedge" for for my growing golf club collection.....that was the one missing clubs in my bag, and I do find myself in the sand traps from time to time when golfing. I think we showed remarkable restraint, don't you?
Then it was over to Supercuts to get my 2 month haircut.....yeah, it's pretty short right now.....then on to TJ's and this time it was closing in on 1:30 and we had not eaten lunch yet, so before we hit TJ's we stopped for our last In-'N-Out burger before heading to the Oregon Coast for two months. At TJ's we stocked up on wine, scotch, carne asada, and pollo asada. There will be one more TJ's coming up as we pass through Medford, OR next Wednesday, but I think we got a good start. Then we stopped at Costco for 2 of everything......2 rotisserie chickens, two bags of our favorite coffee beans, and 2 bottles of Kirkland (Costco brand name) pre-mixed margaritas.
We then headed back up the hill into the Tahoe basin......usually after the car has been sitting in the sun at Costco the outside temp reads pretty high, like 107 yesterday (it was not really that hot in Carson....maybe high 80's, low 90's), and it's fun to watch the temperature drop rapidly as we head back up to Spooner Summit and 7,000 feet just 9 miles it dropped from 107 down to 81.
We made one more stop at Dart's Liquor (Stateline) to get some of TLE's favorite potato vodka, and for me to buy some Shake Choclolate Porter......hmmmmm, apparently I'm not the only one who likes it, because there was only one 6 pack left....drat!
We were home by 3:30, and had all our spoils put away by 4, then it was time for TLE to break down the two chickens, and freeze them for future use.
We ate around 6, and around 7 headed over to Ray and Carol's site for one last fire before the hectic Labor Day week begins......we had a great turnout (John and Deb, Ray and Carol, John and Becky, Mel and Marilyn, and Billy and a female friend. Billy is quite a guitarist.....well, quite a musician, as he plays many instruments....and he spent about an hour playing and singing a number of songs for us. It was a classic evening around a great fire with good friends.
TLE and I headed home about 9:30 as we open the office Monday morning and need our beauty rest.....well, I need it.....TLE always seems to look great no matter how much sleep she gets......:-).
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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