Sometimes Fridays in the TVC office can be not so that I mean hectic, stressful......but day #14 in the TVC office was only hectic, and stressful in a good way, if that is even possible.
Our joint start time was 9:30, as it usually is.......I use the term "joint" as there will be some days coming in the future when TLE has a different start time than I, such as when she opens the office. Nevertheless, on this Friday we shared the same start time. By 9:45 I was in the golf cart beginning my site check rounds. My mission this day was to not only be sure those who were scheduled to check out had actually checked out by 11 am, but to find sites that were supposed to be occupied, but were that I mean the people who had reserved the sites had not shown up. Since this weekend is one of the busiest non-holiday weekends we need to free up every site we can for those last minute arrivals with NO reservations.
It took me until almost Noon to finish site checks, but I managed to find between six and one dozen sites for which the customer was a "no-show". Then it was back into the office for the balance of my shift. As it turned out we stayed pretty busy all afternoon, but we had none of the unreasonable customers we have had in our past Friday shifts. By unreasonable I mean the ones who "want what they want" and will not be told they can't have it. Of course there were people who showed up expecting a fire pit in their site, or a certain site number, or better WiFi, but when they heard the answers they didn't want to hear they at least were understanding and reasonable. Since we were pretty much 100% sold out of tent and RV sites we were answering "NO" to many who showed up without reservations looking for a tent site, or RV site last minute. Mostly we spent our time checking those in who did arrive with reservations.
Let me say this about many of you have surmised by now we don't like to make reservations as we travel, and 99% of the time we don't. When we do make a reservation it is usually a few hours in advance of our arrival at what we know to be a very popular destination. We call ahead to be sure there is a site for us, and, if necessary, make an actual reservation. What we do not do it make long term reservations.....plans can change, illnesses, accidents, etc. intervene. To date that philosophy has worked for us, but for many on this particular Friday it did not.
As I gaze out the salon window on this Saturday morning I see a sea of tents and RV's stretching to the proverbial horizon. The campground "maxed out", but is still pretty quiet with only an occasional dog walker making an appearance. I know within an hour that will all change dramatically.
We were off work at 6 pm sharp and heading back to the coach to change clothes so we could take a walk over t "Classic Cue" for some of their fish tacos, and a pitcher of Black on Black. We sat outside on the patio enjoying the early evening air, and unwinding from day #14 in the TVC office.
As you can see, we still look pretty chipper after spending 8 hour staring at computer terminals, and doing site checks.
We arrived back at the coach just before 8 pm, and a few minutes later got a Facebook message from Bill and Debby that there was an informal, impromptu fire and get together happening at their site, so we answered in the affirmative to the invite and headed over. We sat talking until almost 10:30 when we decided we needed to head for home and our beauty rest.
A "Good Friday" it was, indeed, in SLT! Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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