Everyone says the same thing.....we are in the "lull before the storm"....what storm you ask? The looming storm will be the tens of thousands of people who descend upon South Lake Tahoe, and specifically Tahoe Valley Campground as our nation celebrates the "Day of Labor" long, long weekend......the last big blowout of the summer for the workaday world. How bad will "it" be? I have no idea.....it can't be worse than the 4th of July weekend, can it? Well, however it turns out we are going to live in the present and enjoy the more laid back atmosphere of TVC this week.....I'll think about next week.......next week.
TLE and I ambled over to the TVC office around 7:25 to open it for yet another day of commerce. We struggled a little bit with the door lock, but it finally submitted to our wishes allowing us to gain entrance. Whilst TLE deactivated the alarm system I backed the office golf cart out of the entry way, and then re-secured the doors until opening time at 8 am.
The one thing I am enjoying about opening the office is that we get off at 4 pm......the day just seems to go faster, and Tuesday was no exception. Our arrival list, for the first time since we have been working, was less than one page long, and the same was true for the departure list.
A few days ago I ordered a new awning mat, which arrived while we were down in Mammoth Lakes last weekend, and the replacement electric heater for the bedroom I ordered arrived Tuesday afternoon. We replaced the salon electric heater in April of 2013 when we were visiting our friends in Huntington, WV, and knew it was just a matter of time before it would be time to replace the one in the bedroom......but it just keeps on working, so finally I decided to be proactive, and order the replacement so I could install it at my leisure. The next one on the list will be the water bay electric heater. Both items were ordered through Amazon Prime, and both arrived within 2 days (free 2 day shipping) of being ordered online.....we love Amazon Prime!
By 4 pm we had clocked out, and were on our way home.....just 7 days of office work remaining before we head north to the Oregon Coast. Our friends (Chris and Cherie) with whom we will be working at Cape Blanco Lighthouse, are gradually edging their way west and are now in Idaho. Paul and Nina are currently spending a month on Orcas Island, and will be heading south in a matter of a week, or so where we will all convene for 2 months of coastal living just north of Port Orford.
Wednesday I'll run the VW over to Higher Ground Autworx to have the brakes done, and the oil changed......then she will be just about up to snuff again.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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