One hundred and sixty-three sites were vacated Sunday morning, and TVC is about as empty as I have seen it since mid June.....that must be why we could hear a giant "wooooshing" sound all morning!
Sunday started off nice enough weather wise, and the office continued to be relatively quiet. I ran out in the golf cart around 9:45 am to be sure all the late arrivals from Saturday night had either registered, or would be doing so very soon, then headed back to the office to prepare my departure and arrivals list. The departure list showed the aforementioned 163 sites being vacated, and the arrival list only 53 arrivals. But, before I could start my site check rounds a woman came into the office asking is someone could come and help her husband unhook their 5th wheel from the water, electric and sewer as he had hurt his back and could not bend over, let along stand for very long, so I volunteered to help. it turned out they had not dumped their tanks the entire time they had been at TVC, so they needed to be dumped before I could unhook his other utilities....I wasn't counting on that. It took about 20 minutes to empty his tanks, and then I unhooked the water and electric. Then, of course, they needed help "hitching" up their 5th wheel, etc. so by the time I returned to the office almost an hour had transpired. So, here it was about 11:30, and I had yet to even begin my site check rounds, and now the office was very busy, so I decided to stay in the office for a while to help until things quieted down again......that brought us to 1 pm, and now our lunch break was looming just 30 minutes away, so I decided I could probably get sections G & F done before lunch, and then finish E and A after lunch.
I got back to the office about 1:40 and TLE and I headed to our coach for our 30 minute lunch, and back to the office by 2:10, and more customers. I finally got out to finish my site checks about 2:30 and was done by 3:30......just before the torrential downpour hit TVC with a vengeance. I continued raining on and off until almost 6 pm, but quit just as we were getting off work, so we walked home without getting drenched. We had barely arrived at the coach when it began to rain again.
Overall the weekend was pretty tame when compared to past weekends, but we know that the Labor Day weekend (our last weekend in TVC) will be a full blown, rip roaring, last gasp of the summer, holiday weekend. Next weekend we are off, and will both be headed south to Mammoth Mountain to meet up with friends, and to do some mountain biking (only me, not TLE for the mountain biking part), so we'll be off from Wednesday through Sunday, then back to work for our last 2 weeks.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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