7:18 am - Wednesday - November 13th - 33° F, humidity 54%, wind 9 mph out of the east....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 65° F. On this date in 2015 TLE and I awoke to see the ocean just outside our windows at Rincon Parkway.....
....that two week stint at Rincon was 9 years ago, and we have not been back since. It seems like yesterday. My heart is telling me we need to return.
TLE and I got a lot of stuff done Tuesday, but the actual highlight of Tuesday was my brother, and sister-in-law (Philip and Jeannie) stopping by for a visit on their way back to SoCal from Williams, AZ where they rode the Grand Canyon Railroad up to the Grand Canyon and back on Monday....
....Tuesday was a cold, blustery day in the low 50's, so we lit the wood stove in the house, and spent time inside its (the house) warm confines catching up on the last 10 months. We didn't even know they were in the area, but on Sunday evening I saw a Facebook post by my brother indicating he and Jeannie were in Williams, so I called them and told them how close they were to us. They immediately agreed to stop by on their way home on Tuesday. What a delightful surprise! They hung around for a couple of hours, and we gave them a tour of the property, but soon it was time for them to head to their next destination. We exchanged 'until next times' and watched their car disappear over the hill....a little bittersweet, but such wonderful serendipity.
After their departure TLE and I got out the smaller of the two Stihl chainsaws (17" bar), which we had not used yet, and cut up enough wood to almost fill the new wood box Charles and Phyllis brought with them on Monday....got to keep that full for the wood stove in the house! TLE even took a turn with the chainsaw and did pretty well. We're becoming 'woodsmen'....
....to cap off our day I finally installed the vice on the work bench in the CONEX, which Charles brought up from Phoenix a few weeks ago....
....while I was in the CONEX I also cleaned out the insides of the two Stihl chainsaw cases, and got them out of the way after 10 days.....as one might expect each case had chainsaw oil residue coating the insides, and looked pretty nasty....
....now that we've got two working chainsaws we can really get busy cutting more fire wood against the coming winter. On the wind turbine front we finally got enough wind to make that six bladed propeller spin....
....however, the Bluetti battery bank was already fully charged, so I didn't get a chance to see how much power it was producing, but things are looking good. I think I need to raise it another 10 feet, or so as there are large juniper trees to the south, and east of its location, plus the new Newell is blocking wind from the west. The house is just to its north, so all four points of the compass are somewhat blocking the full force of the wind. The only solution, in my mind, is to get the turbine above all of those obstructions to be more effective.
Thanks for stopping by The Wilson Wilderness!