8:00 am - Real Saturday - July 29th - LPG&RVR - 65° F, humidity 34%, wind 3 mph out of the south by southeast......partly cloudy skies with remarkable air clarity, hence I am remarking.....forecast high is 91° F. On this date in 2013 TLE and I were in East Glacier, MT (on the east side of Glacier NP) watching the storm arrive, and then the rain......↴

At last I am current, and am actually writing about yesterday (Friday) when I should be. Friday was our 'Saturday', and we got an early start. We used to 'sleep in', especially on our first of four days off after arising way too early on our work days. We decided last week that we would try to keep a similar routine on our days off as far as getting up before 7, and going to bed between 9 and 10 pm. As a result we have more time to do more stuff on our 4 day weekends, like take our 2 mile out and back walk to Jess Valley Road each morning before we have our coffee. In the past we'd get up around 7, or 8 am, sit drinking coffee for an hour, or two, and before we could blink twice it was after 10 am, and half the morning was gone.We were out on our walk before 7 am, and back around 7:30 am. I wrote my first of two blog posts trying to catch up, and then we headed over to the Clubhouse to play the back 9. I didn't really warm up, or hit any balls, deciding to warm up on the first hole. I played two balls the entire round giving me, in effect the number of swings and putts I would attempt in 18 holes. Gradually I began hitting good drives, and every single chip I hit on the first 4 holes was perfect. I two putted every green, with a one putt on the 17th hole where I recorded a birdie. I finished up strong with two great drives, and two great chips to record a par. My lower back was never an issue, and we both had a great time. TLE doesn't play golf, but she brings her putter and putts each hole.
Once we were back home we changed clothes and headed into Alturas for our weekly shopping foray. After a quick stop at Rite Aid we headed to the Lazy 'B' Grill to split a hamburger, and fries for lunch. This is one of the best burger places we have frequented in our travels, and in a sense, this place passes for 'fine dining' in Alturas.....lol!
Next up was a stop at Grocery Outlet, and then Holiday Market, and with that we had resupplied for another week. We will be driving to Klamath Falls on Wednesday, however, for TLE's second pre-op appointment for her cataract surgery. At that appointment we'll find out her surgical date for her left eye. Anyway, we'll do a big shopping at the local Fred Meyer when we are there.
Once back at the homestead we watched parts of a couple of Women's FIFA World matches, then headed over to the putting green around 7 pm to practice putting, then returned home to sit on the 'lido deck' as the sun slide down the backside of the mountains to the west. There was a light, balmy breeze, and the temperature was already down to the high 70's. By 8:30 pm we were heading inside for the night, but not because of mosquitoes, for a change.
That was one busy, but amazingly relaxed Friday, and we're both very glad we got up early, which enabled us to get the most out of the day.
On the home front we both continue to enjoy good health, and we both sleep very well each night....it is soooo quiet here! We both continue to love our jobs, and, frankly, our lives. The environment here is so stress free. Starlink continues to 'WOW' us, and to date we have had ZERO issues.....just great internet 24/7. In just a few short days we will have completed 4 months here at LPG&RVR, and will have just 60 days to go before we head south for the winter. I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but we talked with Bob and Casey (owners of Colorado Outback Adventures) about them returning to Glamis North this year, and got an enthusiastic "YES!" from them, so out winter of soaking in the hot springs, and running the side by side rental operation for them again is set. I think this will be the last winter we will work, as we would like to do some traveling, or spend 2, or 3 months boondocking outside of Borrego Springs before heading north again. Life is good....in fact, way better than we could ever have imagined.
Thanks for stopping by!