Friday, July 14, 2023


 7:32 am - Friday - July 14th - LPG&RVR - 61° F, humidity 45%, wind 0 mph out of the east.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies right now with a forecast high today of 95° F.  On this date in 2020 TLE and I were west bound on I-90 in Wyoming.....a day of big views, and easy driving.....↴

We had aspirations for Thursday, but some times aspirations go by the wayside.  We were going to finish installing/reinstalling the wood trim, but we needed to visit Alturas to do our weekly shopping, plus I wanted to watch a good portion of Stage 12 of Le Tour, which is kind of hard to do if you are on your hands and knees installing trim, so we dedicated our 2nd 'weekend' day to being off work from home improvements, and just relax.  After all there's always Friday, or Saturday to finish the trim, right?  We began this project determined that it would be done when it was done, and that we would not impose unnecessary time frames on the work.  Whenever we (I) rush mistakes are made, and we become unhappy with the result.  As I walk from one end of the coach to another I continue to be very pleased with the work we have done, and really don't feel like anything must be redone.  That my friends, is a good feeling.  There is still a small amount of work yet to be done, and knowing it will be done when it is done removes the stress from the task.

I watched about 25% of Stage 12 before we headed into Alturas a little after 11 am.  For the first time since we arrived back at LPG&RVR there were no stops at either Rite Aid, or ACE Hardware.  We made just two stops....Grocery Outlet, and Holiday Market where we were able to purchase everything on our list.  It used to be that when we went shopping I just followed TLE around the store, but for a long time now I've been heading off on my own to get the things I know she gets every week, while she meanders up and down each aisle.  It kind of speeds things up, but she gets to take her time, so we both get something out of!

We didn't get back home until after 1:30 pm, which included a quick stop at the Post Office to pick up a few boxes, and those combined with the deliveries we received from UPS and FedEx just before we left for town kept us busy for quite a while.  TLE ordered several new area rugs for our home, and two of them arrived Thursday......

.....we've had darker rugs for years, and thought it was time to lighten things up a tad....I like them!

The rest of the afternoon, for me, was spent watching the balance of Stage 12, which was interspersed with at least one, maybe two naps.  By the way, I still love my 'new' recliner (the burgundy one), and the leather is holding up quite well.

Around 4 pm I set up the Cowboy wok for TLE for the first time this season, and she prepared jumbo shrimp/andouille sausage Jambalaya for dinner, which I chased with a Lost Coast Tangerine Ale....a perfect pairing!  To cap off our evening we watched another episode of 'Alone', and then it was off dreamland.

Thanks for stopping by!

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