7:07 am - Tuesday - August 29th - 52nd wedding anniversary - LPG&RVR - 47° F, humidity 38%, wind 0 zero mph out of the northeast.......crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 80° F....that's right, you read correctly.....80° F! Twelve degrees cooler than Monday, and with that we say goodbye to the 90's. The trees are beginning to change colors, and Fall is in the air!
On this date in 2017 TLE and I were celebrating our 46th wedding anniversary with good Yellowstone friends Roscoe, Geni and Dodge (Kristen). One of our most cherished, and memorable anniversary celebrations ever......↴

For the next to last time I began my workday at 6:30 am....when will be the last time? Saturday, September 2nd. Why? Well, it is a Saturday and I want to be off work in time for the weekly putting contest. September 2nd is the last time I will be working on a Saturday this season. Otherwise, there is really no reason to go into work early from this point forward as the temps will be mostly in the 70's, with an occasional dip into the 60's, so a big 'YAY!!!' for us. Monday was our annual 'anniversary eve', which I mentioned to TLE when she awoke around 6 am. Fifty-two years is a big number that I still have a hard time wrapping my mind around. No matter where we are on our anniversary we always make it a point to have dinner at a fine dining restaurant, with no limit on the cost. This year, once again, we will travel a couple hundred miles to Tahoe City for that occasion.
It was very cold Monday morning, and for a few minutes I wished I were wearing pants......
.....as I washed the 6 Yamaha gassers left over from Sunday. Once they were washed, and I had staged them, plus the other four for a total of 10, I headed out to do my daily first round of the course.....
Another Warner Mountains sunrise
.....one of the things I look for as I travel around the course is for flags which have been blown out of their holes overnight. There is almost always one, as there was this Monday. I've found as many as three in one morning earlier in the season. The wind patterns are kind of weird around the Pitt River Valley.....I don't remember any wind Sunday night.....
Flag down on the 15th hole
.....at any rate, depending on the wind direction the flags which I usually find down are #5, 15, 6, and 14. I think one time I found the flag at #7 down. Monday we usually clear the driving range of golf balls so it can be mowed, but the grass is growing more slowly, and we didn't sell a lot of range balls over the weekend, so DeWayne will mow on Thursday this week. I don't think I've had to clear the driving range for about a month now. It always seems to fall to Walt to do that lately.
I did mow the employee grass (there are four of them), and the #21 pull through site, which was the last of the grass to mow this week. I then retrieved one of the Stihl string trimmers to clean up the areas I mowed, and that was the extent of any physical labor, other than washing and stowing golf carts, which is not really that difficult.
The temperature on our last day of 90's temps fell short of the forecast 93° F by two degrees, but it was still a hot one. I was off work by 2:30 pm, and already beginning my four day weekend. I picked TLE up around 5:05 pm, and then we were both on our four day weekend. We'll leave LPG&RVR around 10 am Tuesday morning for the 3.5 to 4 hour drive to Lake Tahoe where we will meet up with our oldest daughter, Meredith, who has decided to join us for our anniversary weekend. Haven't seen her for about 5 months, so we are looking forward to that!
Thanks for stopping by!
Our 51st at Christy Hill in Tahoe City...we're going there again this year!