Monday, August 7, 2023

Slightly inebriated and loud.......

7:38 am - Monday - August 7th - LPG&RVR - 54° F, humidity 62%, wind 0 mph out of the east....partly cloudy today with a forecast high of 86° F.  On this date in 2020 TLE and I were riding the Hiawatha Trail (a rails to trails path), which begins in Montana, and ends in Idaho.....↴

We began the 2nd day of our weekend with another out and back walk to Jess Valley Road.  We ended up with our quickest out and back walk of the summer averaging 3.5 mph..... 34 minutes, and 56 seconds.....of course, I have to add this caveat.....there was a cow we met up with just after the 1st cattle guard crossing which began to follow us at a pretty brisk pace, which caused us to increase our pace until we passed the 2nd cattle guard, and she stopped following

Upon our return I set about extending the two lava rock borders I began a few months ago, and had good intentions of finishing every weekend since then, but never did until Sunday.  This entire area (Modoc County) is rife with volcanic rock 10 feet deep.  All we have to do is walk down the hill a few feet and begin harvesting them.....

The initial rock border we built....

...and the extension on the other side of the 'lower deck' extending out to the trailer tongue I changed all four ropes holding the Ozark canopy to the ground against the prevalent winds as the old, original ones were beginning to rot due to UV exposure....... the way, TLE's flowers, which were almost killed by an overnight freeze way back in April, have come back, and look great....all of them have been flowering for a month, or so.....

......I worked on a number of small projects all afternoon including the repair of one of our solar rope light strings which ceased functioning a week ago....I was able to revive it once again by cutting out a bad section of wire, and splicing the ends together.  We've had those two rope light strings since 2017 when we were at Yellowstone NP, so it is amazing to me they have lasted so long, including our stay at Seal Rocks RV Cove where the salt content of the air was overwhelming for most of our other lighting.  I also did some more weeding, washed the VW in preparation for our drive up to Klamath Falls Monday morning, while watering some dry spots on our lawn.  Once the VW was washed I called an end to my chores.  

The temp never got over 82° F, so we only ran the A/C for a few hours before the temperature was back into the 70's once again.  For the first time this summer I had to get dressed about 1:30 am this morning to walk up the hill to the pull through sites across from the Newell to tell a couple of slightly inebriated, loud talking guys to go inside, and go to bed.  It is always a surprise to me when we have to quiet people down here, because it so rarely happens.

We're off to Klamath Falls in few minutes, so thank you so much for stopping by!

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