Join us now that we have retired and are now fulltiming in our 1982 Newell Classic Motorcoach, and traveling across the width and breadth of the USA. I know, it looks like a bus conversion, but it was built from the ground up to be a motorcoach!! (Photo by Steven Dempsey)
Monday, March 31, 2014
How this works
If you read my blog regularly you probably have noticed on the right side of the page there is a box that shows "Followers" usually right next to my daily entry. If you are a "Follower" you will get notified automatically every time I put up a new entry. I know there are more than 86 of you who follow my blog on a daily basis, if not semi-weekly, or a weekly basis. We would love to see that number more accurately reflect how many people do read the blog on a regular basis. So please, if you are so inclined, become a follower by clicking on the "button" just above the "Follower" box entitled "Join this site". Secondly, we do earn income from Google every time people click on one of the ads placed on our site by Google. Please, only click on an ad if you are interested in the subject matter. The income we earn now from Google is rather modest, but being on a fixed income, every little bit helps. We have no control over the type of ads Google places on our site, but for the most part the ads reflect the general content of our blog. So, if an ad interests you, please "click" on it knowing you are contributing to our nomadic wanderings if only in a small way. Thirdly, I list a number of blogs I follow on a regular basis. If any of them look interesting to you check them out. That is how I got to know a number of these nomadic people, and eventually was able to meet up with them. We feel very blessed to be able to be on this endless nomadic journey, and really enjoy sharing our experiences with all of you. Maybe in some small way we have inspired you to take the leap and get on the road full time, or to begin planning to do so. We are not looking for converts, but if you are so inclined, we are always open to meeting those who follow our travels, and have done so on many occasions. If you see we are going to be in, or near an area where you live send us a message and we will get right back to you! Hope to see ya'll out there on the road some day! Thanks for stopping by!
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