Friday, February 16, 2024


 6:53 am - Friday - February 16th - GNHS - 52° F, humidity 89%, wind 4 mph out o fthe northeast......crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 70° F.....first time we'll hit 70 in a long time!  On this date in 2015 TLE and I spent the day in and around Sedona, AZ....what a magical place....

Found a restaurant with a view

Alas, another day off work was had Thursday.  We're coming up on President's Day long weekend, and the park will be full, plus we will be busy Friday, Saturday and Sunday with a lot of advance bookings, but Thursday was our 9th, or 10th consecutive day without working.  I'm pretty sure one here is complaining.

TLE and I took two more of our 1 mile out and back walks averaging 3.4 mph both times.....

⇧ First and second ⇩ post walk pictures 

....we both managed to get in our toning exercises after the first walk. With the completion of our second 1 mile walk we have now hit 80 miles of walking this winter, with most of it happening since Christmas.

I then spent time trying to figure out where the water leak in our trailer roof is originating.  It is not a major leak, but I've been finding water on the floor near the front, drivers side of the trailer interior when it rains.  I bought some Flex Seal tape, and paste quite a while ago, but have never taken the time to install either of them as I was not sure where the is actually intruding.  Water always seems to migrate from the actual intrusion area to to where you finally find it, so I didn't want to waste the resources until I was more certain where to place them.  After the last rain storm I believe I was able to narrow down the point of the water ingress, so I cleaned off the roof area where I believed it was intruding and used a combination of the tape (4" x 5'), and paste to, hopefully, stop the leak.  I won't know if I was successful until the next storm, but at least the tape and paste will have sufficient time to cure.  If I've missed the mark there is always more tape and

Once the roof work was done I headed down to the hot pools/tubs for another delightful soak.  Once again I had the place all to myself....

....we didn't take or second walk until around 3:30 pm, and then I sat on the 'firepit deck' reading my book fully intending to take the usual sunset pictures, but lost track of time, and did not take those pictures.  They would have been lovely, I'm sure.

After dinner TLE and I spent the rest of the evening reading.  The new post apocalyptic series I'm reading is called 'Bunker' (the name of the main character, not a place), and has five books in the series.  I'm almost done with book three, and and liking it.

Thanks for stopping by!

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