Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Rainy days and Mondays......

 7:38 am - Tuesday - February 13th - GNHS - 43° F, humidity 86%, wind 3 mph out of the northeast.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 66° F.  On this date in 2015 TLE and I were boondocking in the Verde Valley near Sedona, AZ on National Forest land.....

Click to enlarge

The lyrical refrain from a 1969 Carpenters' song goes "Rainy days and Monday's always get me down"....I'm not sure why that was the inspiration for a song, because, frankly, they never get me down.  In fact, I love rainy days and Mondays.....bring them on!  To be clear, though, I don't like rainy days, day after day....just occasionally.  Remember when we lived on the Oregon Coast (20 miles south of Newport) for a year back in 2020-21, and we would get 6,7, or 8 days of rain in a row sometimes.  You get to a point where waking up to rain on the roof is no longer interesting, or magical, and you really wish for a change.  Nevertheless, in general, rainy days and Mondays never get me down.  Mondays here at GNHS mean no work, for sure, most of the time, and this Monday was no different. 

1969 - The Carpenters - Rain days and Mondays

TLE and I took our first walk of the day around 11:30 am....why so late you might ask?  Well, we spent from around 9:30 am to 11:30 am fixing the 'dining/gaming deck' canopy.  When we left it was not windy at all, and the same when we returned from our visit 7 hours later, but sometime in between those rascally winds arose, and whilst we were gone visiting Chris and Rochelle there were some wind gusts  strong enough to partially collapsed the dining canopy causing damage to a couple of the arms.....ie, they broke....doh!  Anyway I devised a plan to repair the broken arms, and TLE helped me put things back together.  Since the side which was damaged faces north, therefore getting the brunt of the north winds, we decided to rotate it counterclockwise, thereby moving the damaged side out of harms way.

By the time we finished restoring order to our entire 'lido deck' it was 11:30 am.  Anyway, we began the out and back walk fully intending to just do a mile, but about 10 minutes out TLE proposed that we do the 2 mile out and back walk, so that is what we did.  We managed to average 3.4 mph over 2 miles, burning about 350 caloric units.....

.....upon our return we idled away some time in the Adirondack chairs on the 'firepit deck', and then both got to work doing our toning workouts.  After that TLE made me a chopped salad for lunch, and then I headed down to the hot pools/tubs choosing to do my soak this day in one of the tubs.....

.....we took our second out and back walk of the day around 4 pm, and stuck to the normal 1 mile out and back walk, averaging 3.3 mph this time.....

....soon after returning from our walk we were out on the 'viewing deck' to watch the Chocolates light up, and the corresponding sunset......

....the sun is setting close to 5:30 pm now, and by the time it sets the temps begin to drop precipitously, so we headed indoors for the balance of the evening, and another great Monday was in the books, and one was feeling 'down'....in fact, quite the opposite!

Thanks for stopping by!

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