Saturday, February 24, 2024

RZRing, a cabin, the Oasis, and the alfresco.....

7:01 am - Saturday - February 24th - GNHS - 52° F, humidity 79%, wind 3 mph out of the northeast....partly cloudy today with a forecast high of 75° F.  On this date in 2018 TLE and I were wintering at the Grand I am walking to work after an all night snow storm....

Around 3 am Friday morning the wind began to blow out of the north, again.  I lay there listening to the sail shades flapping up and down, and the sound of our flag straining at its restraints as the wind did its best to dislodge her from the top of the flag pole.  At first there were just brief gusts of wind, but by 4 am I could tell it was getting to be a steady 20-25 mph, so I roused TLE from her beauty sleep to tell her we would need to take everything down before the wind did it for us.  Thankfully, this does not happen often, but when it does TLE and I become a well oil machine, working together, and within minutes everything is secured.  Then the task becomes going back to bed, and back to sleep....not always a simple thing after a burst of adrenaline like that.

We didn't get up until after 7 am, and it took us both a while to become fully conscious and coherent.  Our plan for Friday was to take Tom and Claire for a RZR ride up to Amy's Cabin via the Canal and Bradshaw trails, then down Amy's Wash to the Bradshaw trail again, ending up at the Oasis.  But, before all that would occur TLE and I had a walk to of the 2 mile out and back variety..... was a leisurely walk in which we averaged a modest 3.3 mph.  It was cloudy, with a little breeze...just enough to keep us comfortable.

We left on our 3+ hour RZR adventure in one of the 4 seat Generals around 11:20 am, and within an hour were half way up Amy's Wash to the cabin where we took a break amidst a grove of least I think one might call it a 'grove'.....


....on our way up to Amy's Cabin we stopped at the train trestle where I switched seats with Tom so he could drive the General......

....this is the first time we've been to Amy's cabin since last year after we had just arrived at GNHS in October.  The cabin still looks pretty good....

Amy's Cabin

....from Amy's Cabin we continued our trek along Amy's wash back down to the Bradshaw Trail where we took another break at the train trestle.....

The train trestle

....then it was on to our last destination of the RZR ride, the Oasis......

The Oasis this time it was after 2 pm, and I think all of us were ready for a shower and a nap before heading off to dinner at the Ski Inn in Bombay Beach, so we began the 30 minute drive (Tom driving again) back to GNHS arriving home just after 2:30 pm.  By the time TLE and I had taken our showers, and changed into clean clothing there was no time for a nap.....doh!! I really needed a nap...oh well.  We left in Tom's car around 4 pm, and within minutes of arriving at the Ski Inn had placed our dinner orders, and secured our adult beverages.....

The Ski Inn - alfresco 

.....we enjoyed the funky ambiance of the alfresco dining area, great food, and conversation until well after 5:30 pm, and I was able to catch the last remnants of Friday's sunset over the Salton Sea.....beautiful.....

....the by the time we arrived back home just before 6 pm we all decided we needed long naps, so we bid Tom and Claire adieu and headed for the Newell for the evening.  After unlocking the Newell door for TLE I stopped to take a picture of the newly 'new' moon.....

.....TLE and I sat down to relax, and the next thing I knew it was almost 9 pm.....a 2 hour nap for moi...I finally got that nap I've been wanting for a couple of!  I think Saturday will be a relaxing day with a trip, or two to the hot pools/tubs, and maybe another nap, or two for good measure.

Thanks for stopping by!

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