Thursday, May 30, 2019

A day in the life......

6:26 am - Thursday - May 30th - Ramona, CA - 55° F, 87% humidity, wind 1 mph out of the west by southwest.....sunny, clear blue skies today with a forecast high of 81° F.....the view this morning.......↴

A new monthly neighbor

Beginning Wednesday we are finally on our regular weekly schedule.  We are off work Monday and Tuesday, and work Wednesday through Sunday.  Rich and Marnie are off work Wednesday and Thursday.  Both TLE and I are working 33 hours per week (7 hours per day for four days, and only 5 hours on Sundays), which is perfect.  We are off work by 4 pm 4 days per week, and off by 2 pm on Sundays.

The only work duty that repeats everyday for me is opening the storage yard, pool, the Red Barn, and checking the water level in the water tank (was down 3,000 gallons so I ran both pumps for 1.5 hours.....the pumps add about 2,000 gallons of water per hour).  The pool takes the longest as I must complete the daily pool tests for chlorine and PH levels, as well as empty the skimmers of any debris they have collected in the past 24 hours, and then add water to the pool/Jacuzzi as needed.  Sometimes Rich goes to work earlier than 9 am, and he takes care of the pool, but most days I do.  Right now I vacuum the pool once a week, but as it gets warmer and we have more customers that will be happening more often, but still on an as needed basis.

Once I am done with the opening activities I then check the 'To Do' list in the employee break room and choose something to do.  As of Wednesday I still have 4 cabins to pressure wash so I saved the next two for the afternoon after lunch.  In the morning I cleaned up around the barn, raked the horseshoe pits, got a long hose to wash some duck poop off the pool deck, installed a couple of new "KEEP LOCKED" signs to the pool gate, installed a couple of screens on a heater vent on one of the cabins where some woodpeckers were trying to store acorns for next winter, and then spent the rest of the morning with the Stihl hand blower blowing leaves off the artificial turf in the playground.

At 1 pm I gathered up the pressure washer, an extension cord, and the long 100' hose to take up to cabins 64 and 65 to pressure wash them.  It takes about an hour per cabin, which includes setting up and taking down the pressure washer, pressure washing the deck, the cabin itself, the plastic stackable chairs on the deck of each cabin, and the picnic table.  While I am in the vicinity I usually pressure wash any picnic tables within 100' on either side of the cabins.

I ended my work day with the Stihl hand blower up at the mini golf course blowing leaves and debris off each hole, which takes just about an hour.  Before heading back to the office I checked the water tank water level once again and found it just 500 gallons down, so I took no action.  I picked up TLE from the office at 4 pm and we were home a few minutes later.

On Wednesday's and Thursday's TLE and I also close the park which involves locking the storage yard, Red Barn, and pool, plus checking on the condition of the two restroom facilities, plus verifying the office, tool shed, and supply buildings are locked.  It takes just under 20 minutes to do it all.  Now that we are into the summer schedule we do the 'close' at 9:30 pm.  On the weekends we split the 'close' duties with Rich and Marnie....they take on day and we take the other.

In just a few short days we have gone from temps in the high 50's combined with rain, and heavy overcast to clear blue skies and temps in the low 80' body is having a difficult time keeping up with the whiplash like weather changes, but I'm sure I'll adapt to the warmer temps in about a week.....for now it feels like it is much warmer than 81° F!

Thanks for stopping by!

P.S. - The Amazon Affiliate link below is the only one that works correctly for some reason.  I am trying to fix the numerous other links you will find on my blog pages, but for now if you wish to use our affiliate link please use the one below......↴

When you shop Amazon, please use our link (below) to access their website.......we will appreciate every purchase you make using our Amazon Affiliate linkand  remember, using our link will not add one penny to your purchase, plus we will receive a small commission which over the course of a year adds up to enough to by a tank of diesel.

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