Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A Day of Memorial.....

6:05 am - Tuesday - May 28th - LPG&RVR - 46° F, humidity 73%, wind 2 mph out of the southeast......crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 77° F.  On this date in 2017 TLE and I were at High Camp in Squaw Valley, CA....home of the 1960 Winter Olympics with Tim and Laila....

 It is rare that Monday is actually our first workday in this 4 days on, and 4 days off work schedule.  Being that it was Memorial Day meant it was still busy at LPG&RVR.  In all we sent out close to 30 golf carts with 59 golfers.  There were still 7 golf carts left over from Sunday that needed a spa treatment, so I took care of them after staging the initial 16 golf carts. While we had 20 RV departures, we also had 16 arrivals.  I initially staged 16 golf carts even though I knew we would need at least 22 just to cover those who had signed up for a tee time.  Once the lineup got down to 4 carts I staged at least 10 more.  I made 4 rounds of the course, turned on the irrigation for the trees, cleared the driving range of golf balls using the ball picker machine for the first time this season, garnering 4 full five gallon buckets of balls.

TLE was very busy in the office, as well.  Every time I went in she was on the phone, or with a customer, so I think the summer season has finally begun.  The high temp was forecast to be 81° F, and I believe it got there.  Surprisingly, I was still wearing long pants, and a long sleeved shirt, and wasn't bothered at all by the warmer temps.  With the warming weather we are beginning to see the ubiquitous mosquitoes.  Once again it was a one day heatwave, and temps will drop into the low 70's, high 60's until early next week in the first week of June.

I was kept busy in the afternoon washing golf balls, and golf carts, but did manage to throw in two rounds of the course.  There were people on most of the fairways, but there were no bottlenecks observed.  By the time I left work at 4:15 pm there were still 6, or 7 carts out on the course, so I'll take care of them Tuesday morning.

TLE walked home from work allowing me to take a long, hot shower, and take a nap before she arrived.  We had some of that beef stew she was preparing on Sunday, and it was well worth the wait.

In closing I would like to thank all of those who have served in our military for their service.  My father was in the Navy during WW2.  Sometimes I think we as a nation are not currently worthy of the sacrifices you, and your families have made over the years, and continue to make now, but I thank you just the same.

Thanks for stopping by!

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