Thursday, May 30, 2024

A new low......

 6:08 am - Thursday - May 30th - LPG&RVR - 37° F, humidity 60%, wind 1 mph out of the north....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 75° F.  This morning will be the last day of sub 40° lows for a long time.  On this date in 2018 TLE and I hiked the north trail to the top of Cadillac Mountain near Bar Harbor, ME.....

As busy for me as Wednesday was I was still able to clock out at the 8 hour mark, something which I have only been able to to one other time during this two week pay period.  I began by staging 10 golf carts, then headed out to make my first round of the golf course.  I stopped off at the tee boxes at the 15th hole to take a few pictures.....

It was a cold, blustery Wednesday....had to wear the heavy duty jacket again

.....then headed over to the 16th hole (the elevated tee boxes) to look for lost golf balls between the tee boxes, and the hole.  After a long holiday weekend with lots of golfers I usually find 10 balls in a few minutes.  On this date I found 18 in about 10 minutes....that's a new record for me.  By the way, there were very few goose/duck leavings at the #3 tee boxes.....maybe a sign that the geese are beginning to head northward....I hope.

I returned to only 5 carts left on the lineup, and that is the way it remained until just before lunch.  I continued watering the large grass area around the Night Registration office, mowed the grass around the large pavilion before the next group arrives, ran its sprinklers for one cycle, mowed around the putting green, then down the left side of the large grass area between the putting green and the #1 tee boxes, mowed 4 of the 5 water/electric sites, dragged the carts path between holes 9 and 18 and the Clubhouse, plus the cart path which runs up the hill from hole #4 to the restroom....and that was just the

After giving TLE her lunch break I jumped upon the ever so slow John Deere riding lawnmower and made my way down to the tent areas.  The grass had gotten so high there (about 12" high) that it took me over 1.5 hours to mow it before heading back to the Clubhouse around 2:45 to begin washing, and parking the carts we had rented....we rented 8 in all....kind of a slow Wednesday, but that allowed me to get a lot done.

Miraculously, I was off work, and heading home by 3:40 8 hour!  Upon arriving home I decided to dump the black tank, which was overdue by a day, before heading inside for my long, hot shower.  That was a busy day!

By the way, I finally cracked the 187 pound barrier, weighing in at 186.8 pounds....the first time I've been below 187 since 2014 when I had my double hernia operation....a 10 year low.....

....not a bad blood pressure reading, either!

Thanks for stopping by!

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