Tuesday, May 21, 2024

'Hump night'.....not what you think....lol!

6:15 am - Tuesday - May 21st - LPG&RVR - 32° F, humidity 55%, wind 1 mph out of the east by northeast.....mostly sunny skies today with a forecast high of 69° F.  On this date in 2022, our first year, we were still setting up our site here at LPG&RVR....pretty 'naked' compared to this year.....lol....

Usually Monday's are kind of slow here, especially after the busy weekend we had, but we ended up putting out 12 carts in all.  I initially staged 5 of the Club Car electrics as there were only a few folks signed up for tee times.  By the time I returned from my first round of the course TLE had already rented out an additional 4 Yamaha gassers, so I quickly staged the final 5, and headed out to do some weed whipping, then transitioned to mowing 3 of the tents sites before returning to the Clubhouse to close, then clear the driving range of golf balls.  It was 11 am at the time, and by the time I finished it was 11:55 am, and time to give TLE her lunch break.

After her lunch break I actually took a 30 minute break myself, mostly to take a nap, before returning to my weed whipping activities.  I trimmed all `15 of the pull through sites, most of the back in sites in the 'Meadows' area, then around the night registration office for good measure.  Next up I retrieved the large, 3 bag Husqvarna and began mowing all 15 of the pull through sites as they were mostly empty.  By the time I finished the 15th and final pull through site it was 3:30 pm, and time to begin the daily spa treatment for our golf carts.  By 4:30 pm all but 4 carts had been returned, so I made a final round of the course to find out where they were.  As it turned out they were at least an hour from returning so I closed up shop, and putted for a while until TLE had finished closing the office.

That was probably the most mowing, and weed whipping I have done in one day in three years, but I felt good, although tired as I emerged from a long 20 minute hot shower.  TLE provided hard shell tacos for dinner...haven't had those in a long time.  We were in bed a little after 9 pm on what we call 'hump night'.....just two days left in our 4 day  work week.....YAY!

Thanks for stopping by!

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