Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Tuesday becomes Friday......

 7:30 am - Wednesday - May 15th - LPG&RVR - 53° F, humidity 48%, wind 1 mph out of the north.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 79° F.  On this date in 2015 TLE and I awoke to 4" of snow on the ground at Tahoe Valley Campground....

Tuesday was our 'Friday' this week, and it had a little bit of everything for me.....mowing, string trimming, washing and drying golf balls, sand trap raking/trimming, with a few rounds of marshaling thrown in for good measure.   After staging the 5 Club Car electrics I headed out to make my first round of the golf course.  My first stop is always the 4 tee boxes at #3 to check for, and remove, if necessary, goose/duck leavings of which there were very few.  I think our winged friends are beginning to move northward.  I also brought along one of the Stihl string trimmers to trim the edge around each sand trap, as well as the grass around a few of the signs telling you at which hole you have arrived.  It took me the better part of an hour to finish my first round.

From there I did some string trimming around 3 of the 'Meadows' sites, then 5 more of the full hookup pull through sites, before retrieving the large Husqvarna 3 bag mower to mow those sites before they became occupied later in the day.  We have to be on our game here as summer gets into full swing, to be sure and jump on sites as they become empty to mow and trim them before the next arrivals.  We try to avoid mowing sites when occupied unless the customer specifically requests us to do so as we don't want to cause any damage to their RVs with gravel thrown by the trimmer, or mower.  As long as they understand, and accept the possible risks we will mow their site.

I made a few more marshaling trips around the course in the afternoon, and saw another fire in the distance, which appeared to be a 'proscribed burn'.....

Doesn't that sand trap look great?!  I think that is the best it has looked since I've been here....neatly trimmed, raked, and virtually weed free. the time I finished my last lap around the course it was time to wash, and dry the golf balls, then begin washing golf carts.  We rented 9 carts in all Tuesday.  I was off work by 3:45 pm, and by 4:30 pm I was sitting in one of the Adirondack chairs on the 'lido deck' beginning our four day weekend whilst enjoying the late afternoon deep blue skies and balmy breezes.  TLE got a ride home from Kathy Smith (her office counterpart), and was on the 'lido deck' with me within minutes.....

.....and for the first time weeks we ate dinner on the 'dining/gaming deck'.....what a great way to end the work week.....

....TLE and I are always amazed by how fast our four day work week goes each 8 day cycle.

Thanks for stopping by!

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