Friday, May 3, 2024

To discard, or not....

 6:03 am - Friday - May 3rd - LPG&RVR - 28° F, humidity 91%, wind 1 mph out of the southeast.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 67° F. On this date in 2018 TLE and I were in Ashtabula, OH having lunch at a local eatery, and watching a bridge being raised for boat traffic.....

.....the food, and brews were amazing!

As have most of the mornings the past 3 weeks have been, the temps were of a winery nature as Thursday dawned.  And as has been the case for at least the past week we didn't venture outdoors until well after 10 am (on days we don't work), and even then it was very cold. 

After finishing my daily post I headed into the bedroom to begin sorting through all my clothes.  I have two hanging closets, as does TLE.  In addition I have 4 drawers, and  a large Tupperware bin (stored under the bed) in which I store out of season clothing until they are needed again.  Why?  Well, I have too much stuff again, and it is time to thin the heard, so to speak.  I went through all those storage areas and created three piles....discard, maybe, and keep.  

Sorting through my clothes is always a very personal thing with me.  Afterall, I chose to buy those clothes, and I've worn those clothes on and off for years.  I have a sort of personal relationship with those clothes, and parting with any single item of clothing is difficult....well, difficult for me.  I have, perhaps, the largest collection of black t-shirts, and long sleeved T's in the southwestern I love every single one of them, even the ones that are one, or two washings away from turning to dust.  All that being said, once I've set my mind to this task I proceed decisively, and within 90 minutes I had my 3 stacks of clothing.  I quickly put away the 'keep pile', and then had TLE join me to go through my discard pile.  She always finds something in that pile she wants, and she does wear those items.  

Once she was done I carried what remained of the discard pile, and the entire 'maybe' pile out to the trailer to begin packing away the 'maybe' stack in a large cardboard box.  They'll remain in the trailer in that box until the end of the summer when I'll make my final decisions on them.  The discard pile will be washed, and then donated to a local thrift store.  I might mention, that in the trailer TLE and I had around 7 suitors full of winter jackets, and fall clothing that we've been ignoring for a few years now, but we thinned that heard down to 3, with many of the items in the other four going into the discard pile.

In the afternoon, while I rested from my labors, TLE did the same, only I don't go through her 'discard' pile as nothing would fit that was our day.  We were going to take a walk early afternoon, but the north wind came up, and that quickly changed our minds.

On the weather front, starting Saturday it does not look good for golf, or any outdoor activities, including work....

.....the chances of precipitation range from 50% to 98% over the next three days, and look at those temps on Saturday, Sunday and Monday....all days we work this week.  Stay tuned for how it all turns out

Thanks for stopping by!

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