Sunday, May 19, 2024

The last two days.....

5:59 am - Sunday - May 19th - LPG&RVR - 36° F, humidity 68%, wind 2 mph out of the north by northwest.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 64° F.  On this date in 2012 TLE and I had just arrived at Craters of the Moon National Monument near Arco, ID.....

When last we left off TLE and I were getting ready to make the 2 hour drive to Klamath Falls, OR to do some shopping, and a little junking, but before we left we took another of our two mile out and back walks, this being the 10th in the current series.....

....we averaged around 3.3 mph....sometimes there are cattle grazing along the entrance road, and that was the case on Friday.  I got in another strengthening workout, and then it was time to get dressed, and packed for our trip.

We had appointments in Alturas at Kaleidescope to get trims (TLE) and a haircut (moi) at 10:30 am, so we left LGPR&VR around 9:45 am in order to fuel up the VW, then get our haircuts, and pickup my next 90 day supply of medications.  The entire trip was uneventful with us arriving in Klamath Falls at the local Goodwill around 12:45 pm.

We both found a couple of things without which we could not live at the Goodwill, then headed over to Holliday Jewelers on 6th street so I could get new batteries installed in a couple of my many watches at $15 apiece.  Next up was Fred Meyers to do shopping, and pick up a few garden supplies after which we stopped at their fuel station to top off our VW tank for the trip home.

By the time we were finished with all our shopping it was after 3 pm, and time to check into our room at Shilo Inn where we had booked a Junior Suite for our overnight stay....

.....we love their Junior Suites.  By the time we were settled, and I had taken a brief nap, we walked over to Abby's Legendary Pizza for dinner around 4:30 pm.  There is a cluster of restaurants within walking distance of the Shilo Inn, which is one of the reason we like to stay there, plus it (Shilo Inn) is on a hill with a view....

.....we ordered a large "Create Your Own Pizza" with pepperoni, onions, black olives, mushrooms, and country bacon.  Normally there would have been anchovies in that list of toppings, but they were out.  We both ordered draft IPA's to pair with the pizza.  The PGA tournament was still on, so we were able to watch the final holes while we ate....

Don't know why I was looking so!

.....we planned to be on the road home by 7 am, so we were in bed by 9 pm.  So, now you are caught up on our Friday happenings....on to Saturday!  I fully intended to do my post about Friday when we returned home, but didn't take the time to do it, so you get another two for one today.

We were up Saturday morning around 6 am to give ourselves time to wakeup, and have a cup of coffee before hitting the road once again.  As planned we were in the Beetle just after 7 am heading south out of Klamath Falls.  We arrived at the junction of highways 139 and 299 a little after 8 am, and would normally have headed east on 299 back to Alturas, then home, but we decided it was such a lovely day for a drive that we headed west on 299 to Adin (21 miles away) where we headed south on 139 to reverse the route we had driven from Susanville about 10 days earlier.  The drive south on the gently winding 139 at 60 mph was beautiful.  We arrived in Susanville where TLE did her produce shopping at the local Safeway, then we continued our great loop drive back to Likely arriving home just before 1 pm....perfect!

Mt. Shasta in the distance

Descending into Susanville, CA

TLE took this in in Adin while I was going to the bathroom

While we unpacked we watched the rest of the 3rd round of the PGA before heading over to the Clubhouse for the weekly putting contest at 4 pm.  There were only 20 putters on this day, but I failed to make it out of the first round.  I lost the first hole, and then putted well on the final 4 holes, while my opponent made long second putts to tie each of them, leaving me still one hole down as we finished the  5th, and final hole.  That first hole loss was costly, and even though I putted well on the remaining 4 holes, with me putting my putts within 12-18 inches of each of those holes on the first putt, my opponent managed to recover from bad first putts to sink long five and 6 foot 2nd putts to tie each of those holes....oh well!

We were home again by 5 pm, and settled in for the night.  We were in bed by 9 pm in anticipation of beginning our new for day work week....Sunday through Wednesday this week.

Thanks for stopping by!

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