Sunday, May 26, 2024

Saturday in the park, but it wasn't the 4th of July

8:10 am - Sunday - May 26th - LPG&RVR - 49° F, humidity 48%, wind 1 mph out of the north by northwest....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 74° F.  On this date in 2013 TLE and I were directing traffic at Gate #2 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway....Race Day!.....

 Surprisingly, it rained overnight.  Thought we were done with rain for a while.  It rained just enough that TLE did not have to water her wild flower seeds Saturday.  As is most often our custom on our days off work we took a 2 mile out and back walk.  It was chilly at 10 am, and a little breezy so we bundled up somewhat....

....that flannel shirt TLE is wearing is a Carhartt she found at the Goodwill when we were in Klamath Falls....virtually brand new for $12.  At any rate we managed to average 3.2 mph again over the 2 mile course for the 36 minutes we were moving.  Always a good way to begin a day.....

....upon our return to the Newell I made the mistake of sitting in my Adirondack chair, forgetting it had rained, and there was a pool of water on the cushion....TLE did not make the same

We spent about an hour trying to figure out how we will deploy our sail shades to shield the front of the Newell from the summer sun, and heat, which is coming.  I bought a couple of 8 foot long 4x4 posts a while back to plant in the ground to which we will attach at least two of our 3 sail shades, so it was a matter of figuring out where the two posts would be placed to get the maximum shade benefit from the shades.  We're planning on installing them on our next 4 day weekend, and figuring out how to configure them takes way more time than digging the post holes.

We had planned to grill a London Broil steak we purchased at Holiday Market on Thursday, but TLE noted that it was going to be windy at 5 pm, so I lit the Sea-B-Que around 12:30 pm to grill it ahead of time.  TLE had been marinating it for about 24 hours.  Once that was done I settled in to watch some of round 3 of the latest PGA event.

Being that it was Saturday meant that at 4 pm the weekly putting contest would be held at the Clubhouse....

It was a beautiful afternoon at LPG&RVR's weekly putting contest

.....if you think I've lost some weight, your are correct.  I'm down to 191....a number I've not seen on the scales for a long time.  As far as putting went I was out in the first round, not being able to sink a single second putt.  It was just one of those days, but a good time was had by all.  We had 40 putters signed up for the event....not too surprising as it is Memorial Day weekend.

TLE did not join me at the putting contest as it was still breezy, and her allergies were affecting her eyes.  At any rate, she had dinner ready to serve shortly after I arrived home.  The London Broil was delicious and oh so tender.  She added sides of a side salad, and stuffed mushrooms to the perfectly medium LB.

Saturday in the park - Chicago, 1972

Thanks for stopping by!

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