Tuesday, May 14, 2024


6:06 am - Tuesday - May 14th - LPG&RVR - 42° F, humidity 64%, wind 1 mph out of the north by northwest......partially cloudy today with a forecast high of 77° F.  On this date in 2019, 5 years ago now, I had a small heart attack due to 98% blockage in one of my arteries.....

.....doing well today.  As you know, TLE and I walk 2 miles most days when we are off work, and I'm doing great!

Monday was a beautiful, blue sky sort of day with temps in the high 70's.  I staged 9 golf carts (5 Club Car Electrics, and 4 Yamaha fuel injected gassers), and we rented 8....not a bad Monday.  After staging the carts I headed out on my first round of the course and found the goose/duck leavings to be less than usual.  The view at the 17th tee was worth memorializing....

.....after all the mowing I did Sunday, I decided to take it a little easier on Monday.  There are a few areas of grass needing a little extra water than is being provided by the sprinkler system, so I ran some hoses, and set up some small sprinklers to take care of those areas, then picked up a few tools from my trailer and headed down to the playground to begin disassembly of the rickety jungle gym.  Here is what it looked like at the beginning.....

....and here is the result after a few hours of demolition work.....

.....there are still several other pieces of playground equipment that are all metal, and plastic and still in good, serviceable condition....

.....I was about 1/3 the way done with the disassembly, but around 11 am I had to leave that project and head to the driving range for the first time this season to clear the range of golf balls so DeWayne could mow it early afternoon.  I picked around 1.5 five gallon buckets of balls in about 45 minutes.  I used the shag bag, instead of the ball picking machine, as it was faster with so few balls.  I was in the Clubhouse giving TLE her lunch break by 12 pm.

After lunch I headed back to the playground and continued the disassembly of the old jungle gym, finishing around 3 pm.  By that time 5 of the eight rented golf carts had been returned, and by the time I finished with them 2 more had arrived.  The 8th one was still on the course at 3:45 pm, so I'll deal with that one first thing Tuesday.  Having worked through lunch I was done with my 8 hour workday at 3:45, so I headed home to take shower, and a nap before returning at 5 pm to ferry TLE home for the evening.

Thanks for stopping by!

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