Monday, May 20, 2024

Busy Sunday....

6:04 am - Monday - May 20th - LPG&RVR - 34° F, humidity 60%, wind 4 mph out of the north.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 61° F.  On this date in 2020 TLE and I were visiting the Black Canyon of the Gunnison in Colorado....amazing....

Sunday was a gangbuster day at LPG&RVR.  I initially staged 14 carts, however, we blew past that number by mid morning, and by the end of the day we had rented 30 golf carts.  In spite of the initial clear, blue skies it was cold.  I wore my red LPG&RVR hooded sweat shirt to work, but had to retrieve my heavier duty jacket, gloves, and watch cap by 10 am it was so cold.  I don't think it got to 60° F until around 2 pm.

Since we were so busy I made several rounds of the golf course, including my initial one to clear the goose/duck leavings from the #3 tee boxes, and rake a few sand traps.  The course was busy all day long, and we had a few places of congestion, but overall play moved right along, as it should.

Of course, the 4th round of the PGA Championship was in progress throughout the day, so in order to keep up with what was happening I pulled out the TV we had used in the COA office this winter and set it on a table near the cart wash station, so I wouldn't have to go into the Clubhouse to see what was happening.  It was a great 4th round with probably 10 players in contention as the day continued.  Ultimately, Xander Schauffle won on the 72nd, and final hole with a birdie to go 21 under par, a new PGA best, to best Bryson DeChambeau, who had tied Xander on the same hole with a birdie a few minutes earlier.

Carts began to return to the Cart Return area around 11 am, and it was steady the rest of the afternoon.  By 4 pm I had exchanged my heavier jacket for the sweatshirt, and even took it off to wash the last 4, of 5 carts, nevertheless, it began to cool off quickly after 5 pm.  I finally washed and put away the final cart around 5:15 pm....a 9 hour day for moi.  About the same time I finished TLE was exiting, and locking the Clubhouse for the day.  We were home by 5:20 pm.  

Thanks for stopping by!

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