Thursday, May 23, 2024


7:48 am - Thursday - May 23rd - LPG&RVR - 39° F, humidity 55%, wind 1 mph out of the north....crystal clear, blue, cold, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 68° F.  On this date in 2014 TLE and I were enjoying Taco Friday at Steamers Bar and Grill in South Lake Tahoe with Bill and Devi Kasson, whom we first met in Cedar Key, FL two years earlier....

With the Memorial Day weekend approaching at light speed there was still much for me to get done on the 4th day of our four day work week.  With our new guy, Del, still learning the ropes here, and only working 4 hours each day, it has fallen to me to up my game, and get more done each day I work.  I know that as Del gets into the swing of things the labor division will begin to equalize, but for now I have more on my proverbial plate to accomplish each day than can be done in 8 hours, so I have been working overtime most days, and Wednesday was no different.

Based on the tee time sheet I staged just 6 golf carts for rental, and for the first time this season, I hit the number right on the head....only 6 carts were rented!  Part of the reason for it being so slow Wednesday was the wind event forecast for early afternoon.  We haven't really had any significant wind this season so far, but when the forecast calls for winds in the 20-30 mph range you take it seriously. TLE and had stowed our patio awning, and sun screen after work on Tuesday in anticipation of the wind.  What we did not do, and should have most assuredly done, is lower the dining canopy, and removed the fabric roof, but we didn't.  We would come to regret that decision late Wednesday afternoon.

After making my first round of the course I retrieved the Stihl string trimmer, the self propelled lawnmower, plus the small dump trailer and headed down to the back in sites (#'s 11-20) to mow the grass in each site, and do some trimming, as needed.  I managed to get 9 out of the 10 sites mowed, and trimmed the weeds along the cart path next to site 20 before heading over to the playground area to trim what I could not mow the day before.  By that time it was time for TLE's lunch break.

Right after TLE returned at 1 pm I headed out to mow around the tee boxes for which I am responsible.  As I reached the #3 tee box the forecast winds arrived in force.  It was like mowing in a wind tunnel, and it was COLD.  I had on my heavy duty jacket with the hood over my head the entire time.  It took me just over 2 hours to make the circuit mowing around the tee boxes at 3, 15, 16, and 17 (I had mowed the ones at 10 and 18 the day prior).  By the time I returned to the Clubhouse it was 3:20 pm, and I still had a lot to do before heading home.  

Five of the six golf carts had been returned, but I still needed to pickup a few piles of weeds Dennis and Jose had cut up the hill in the permanent residential sites, so I took the dump trailer up there to do just that, then dumped them at the burn pile before returning to wash and stow the carts, then finish washing and drying the range balls from the day before, then  pouring them back into the 55 gallon trash cans in the Clubhouse.

The final cart returned just before 5 pm, so I cleaned it, and stowed it just as TLE was exiting the was 5:15 pm.....9.5 hours of labor, and my part in getting the park ready for the long weekend was done, but my work for the day was not done....the aforementioned wind event had done what no wind storm in the past 5 years had been able to accomplish....our Ozark Trail dining canopy was destroyed....

This is what was left of our dining canopy of 5 years

One of our Adirondack chairs was overturned

.....TLE and I pulled the dining canopy out the way (it was wedged between the trailer and the rear of the Newell), and just left it there to be dealt with Thursday morning.  While I took a long, hot, much deserved shower TLE prepared biscuits and gravy with peppered bacon for dinner....once again, proof of love.....

.....while I ate dinner I ordered a replacement Ozark Trails dining canopy on eBay, so we'll have a new one in the next week, or so.  This morning (Thursday) I opened the door and found that same Adirondack chair had been blown over again, and was blocking the door from opening.  I had to use a 7 iron (golf club) we keep by the door to push it out of the way so we could get

....we watched the Season 46 finale of 'Survivor' Wednesday night, and Kinzie ended up winning the $1,000,000 prize....we would have been happy with any of the final three winning.  It was another interesting season with many unexpected twists and on to Season 47!

Thanks for stopping by!

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