Monday, May 13, 2024

I need a tow.....

6:04 am - Monday - May 13th - LPG&RVR -  45° F, humidity 68%, wind 1 mph out of the southwest.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 77° F.  On this date in 2014 TLE and I were passing through the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah (near the Great Salt Lake).....

Usually 'we' do not mow on the weekend, but with all the rain we've had we are way behind on mowing, and string trimming, so after making my first round of the golf course I picked up the Stihl string trimmer and headed down to the 'Meadows' to trim the grass around the children's play ground equipment.  It was about 6" high, and I don't think I've ever seen it that high, ever.  Within an hour order was restored, and the equipment was once again available for play.  While I was there I noticed that one of the pieces, a 'jungle gym' of sorts was in pretty poor condition....

....Dennis had mentioned its condition, and asked for my opinion....I is rickety, leaning, and needs to come down, and be more thing to add to the 'do do list'.

From there I headed up to the employee sites to trim around the utilities in preparation for mowing.  By the time I finished it was around 10:30 am, and time to do some mowing with the big Husqvarna.  I mowed all of the employee sites, the big group area fire pit, and one of the permanent sites up the hill before it was noon, and time for TLE's lunch break.

After TLE returned from her lunch break I did something I have not yet done this season....I took a 30 minute lunch break to mainly take a  Once my batteries were recharged I headed back to the Clubhouse to pick up the ever so slow John Deere riding lawnmower to resume the mowing around the tee boxes I began on Saturday.  I was about 1/3 the way to the #3 tee boxes when Bob came by in his golf cart and jokingly offered to tow me out there.  I told him I would love that, and before you knew it he was doing just that.  I put the John Deere in neutral, and then disengaged the rear wheels, and we were off in a cloud of dust.  Without Bob's assistance it would have taken me 15 more minutes to get there, but instead it took less than 5 minutes.

It took me around 20 minutes to finish mowing around the four tee boxes at three, then I was off to the 15 hole (right next to the #5 tee boxes) blue tee box, which was in dire need of trimming.  After that I mowed the #16 tee boxes (all four), and Bob met me at the bottom of the hill to tow me to the sod farm next to the 8th green to mow a strip of grass between the sod farm, and the 8th fairway.  He waited around until I finished, and then towed me back to the Clubhouse.  In all Bob saved me an hour of driving!  Until we get the small Husqvarna working again Bob has offered to tow me out to the mowing sites, and tow me back to save time, and I don't know why we didn't think of that before.

By the time we returned to the Clubhouse 10 of the 13 golf carts we had rented had been returned, so I got busy washing them, and putting them away.  I finished around 4:55 pm, then headed down to flip the sign to 'Night Registration', then headed back to await TLE's exit from the Clubhouse.  We were home around 5:25 pm, and I was tired.  A couple more days like that and we will be caught up on our mowing.

Thanks for stopping by!

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