Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Setup......


8:09 am - Sunday - 45º F, 44% humidity, wind - CALM.....clear blue skies from horizon to horizon.  Forecast high is 63º F......beginning to get warmer.....heading toward 70º F later in the week!

For me Saturday was a day off from paid work, but not from work......there is still plenty of work to be done getting our site ready for summer enjoyment.  I had two goals in mind for Saturday and I was able to completely accomplish one, and about 80% the other.  Before TLE went to work she and I pulled out our triangular 'sail sun shades' and laid them out on the ground to see how we could deploy them for maximum shade effect in our site.......once the sun reaches its zenith this summer we will be getting a lot more sun, and nothing like the present to prepare for that eventuality.  Once we had agreed on how to deploy them, and where, it fell to me to execute the plan, and execute I did.

First I had to figure out what materials I needed that I did not already have on site, then I had to acquire those things......I needed some heavy duty carabiners, some 'eye' bolts, and two 10' x 4" x 4" posts, and a post hole digger.....the posts as well as a post hole digger we had on site, but the carabiners and 'eye' bolts I had to drive over to Scotty's Tru Value Hardware to acquire.  

The 'sail' over our picnic table

After returning from Scotty's and having already hauled the 4" x 4" posts over to our site I got busy digging two post holes, then erecting and setting the posts in their respective holes, then hanging the 'sail sun shades'.....I think it came out rather well.....I still have one more 'sail' to hang, but we're getting there.

The 'sail' hanging over the rear of our site to block that afternoon sun

The second goal was to install a snow fence running from rear of site 425 to to the rear of site 430 (all employee sites) to separate them from the sites behind them so customers would not be  taking shortcuts through our sites all summer as they did last year.  That is approximately 250' of fencing, but part of that I had done last year.  The remainder to complete the fence, and fill in all the gaps was about 150' and we had all of that material on hand.

 The snow fence between site 425 and 426 (ours)

The snow fencing between sites 427 and 430........note that all the snow in site 429 (picnic table to the left)  is now melted

The same table a week ago

In all I worked steadily from 10 am until 5 pm and was quite happy with how much I was able to Sunday afternoon we should be ready for the summer, and that is a good thing as starting Monday, May 1st, we begin our season with employee orientation and we will probably be working 8 hours a day, 5 days a week the rest of May to get the campground ready for  the Memorial Day onslaught.

We were just getting ready to have a fire, when I got a call from Victor around 5:30 that one of our customers needed the cable TV line checked at their it turned out it was missing the coaxial female connector, so I replaced it and restored his TV service.  I returned to our site about 30 minutes later to find the fire was at our next door neighbor's (Christina) site, and a number of our new employees had gathered to get acquainted.  We sat telling our individual stories for about an hour before TLE and I bid them adieu and headed inside for the night.....I had not eaten since about 9 am that morning and was famished, and very tired.   

Saturday was a good day, and I am looking forward to finishing our site setup on Sunday.  We have been here one week exactly, but it feels like two....we have gotten a lot accomplished, but have a long ways to go yet.

Thanks for stopping by!

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1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are getting it all together now.
    Looking great !


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