Wednesday saw preparations continuing for the 4th of July weekend......the weather continues to be warm with temps in the high 80's. As is my custom, I began my morning checking and reloading our 'ICE HOUSE' (you put in 8 quarters for a 7 pound bag of ice) a little after 8 am, then went on to begin my first site check I rolled past site 131, just 30 sites into my day, the customer occupying that site waved me down. I pulled over and asked what I could do for him and he advised that he was having a problem with his 30 amp receptacle, and was temporarily plugged into site 132 (no occupied at the time). Knowing that we had a customer coming into that site (132) later in the day it was obvious this had to be dealt with right away.
I called Adam, our maintenance manager, on the two way radio to find he was dealing with an issue at our swimming pool, and would not be available to check the electrical pedestal at site 131 until much later in the day. Wednesday is our slowest day of the week, and at this time of day on Wednesday Adam and I are the only ones on duty able to deal with an electrical issue.....Adam more so, me less so. At any rate I advised the customer I had to pick up my tools from my trailer and would be back within 15 minutes.
The first order of business was to open up the pedestal to see what the problem was.....well, as soon as I opened the lid I saw the 30 amp receptacle was partially melted......yup, there is a problem for sure. After removing the face plate holding the 20 and 30 amp receptacles and their breakers I saw yet more issues......the insulation on two wires had melted and had to be replaced along with the receptacle. My next step was to retire to the maintenance yard to pick up wire, and a new 30 amp receptacle, which I did in short order. In all it took me just about an hour to remove the bad wire and receptacle, clean up the box, and install the new wire and receptacle. I put it all back together, and then plugged in my testing device to check the circuit integrity and all the lights lit up properly, so I plugged the customer's power cord back in and all was well.
So, here it is approaching 9:30 and I haven't finished my first round of the routine is completely off the tracks. I wasn't able to finish my first site check round until close to 11 seemed like one thing after another got in the way. All you can really do when things go off the rails is just keep your head down and keep pushing forward and that is what I did. Eventually I did get back on track finishing my final round of the day a little after 3:30 pm. In between I spent time watching the entrance to keep traffic from backing up.....even though we only had 34 arrivals it seemed they would come in bunches of 3, and 4 at a time......reloading the 'ICE HOUSE' conveyor belt with 7 pound bags of ice, and picking up litter. The inside temperature of the 'ICE HOUSE' is around 10 degrees, so if one needs to cool off it is a great place to spend 15 minutes!
I was off the clock just before 4 pm, and riding my bike home......once again I turned on the A/C which we ran for about 2 hours before turning it off and opening up all the windows. I grilled some fish for TLE to which she added roasted corn and cooked spinach.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago