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8:12 am - Thursday - September 21st - 35º F, humidity 99%, wind - CALM......rained all night, and is still raining as I write......forecast high is 48º F in Gardiner, MT and 41º F in Mammoth Hot Springs, WY.
Wed-nes-day was another day of relaxation......another day of doing pretty much nothing, but that's okay. Sometimes you just need a couple of days in a row where you just read and nap, and maybe even watch a few hours of 'American Pickers'......I call it 'cooting out'. I love watching Mike and Frank find cool, old, crusty stuff. We topped off the day watching a few more episodes of 'Mad Men' on Netflix......we have wonderful Verizon broadband here in Gardiner, and then it was off to slumberland once again. Apparently there were 8 'Mad Men' seasons and we are somewhere in the middle of Season 2 now.....a long ways to go.
I'm beginning to make lists in my head of what needs to be done before we can roll our wheels, and for a change it is not that much. We haven't deployed a lot of stuff this summer, so it should not take an inordinate amount of time to put it away. Our plan is to be ready to roll our wheels the morning of October 4th up to Livingston, MT where we will plug in the Newell in a local RV park, then drive into the Billings, MT airport on the morning of the 5th to catch a flight south to SoCal for our son Tim's wedding.
There is not much else to report other than the weather is getting colder and wetter day by day......the wet part is nice as the rain has been steadily washing all the dust and dirt accumulation from the summer off the trailer and Newell. It rained on and off most of Wednesday and the ground is getting saturated.
Time to begin to get ready for another day of work.....we have the 'CLOSE' shift.....beginning Monday the store hours will change from 8 am - 8 pm to 9 am - 6 pm, and there will be just one shift called 'OPEN/CLOSE'.
Thanks for stopping by!
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Enjoy those relaxing days. you will be busy enough again soon.