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7:26 am - Monday - November 6th - Page, AZ - 49º F, humidity 58%, wind 4 mph out of the west......clear skies with just a few clouds on the horizon.......and since it is moving day that means it will be a great driving day weatherwise.
Looking west from the Elks Lodge.....full moon!
We didn't set our clocks 'back' Sunday in accordance with the end of DST (Daylight Savings Time), but left them on Page, AZ time......thank goodness Arizona does not participate in DST! We got up about 6:20 am SoCal time with the intention of being on the road by 8 am PST knowing it was really going to be 9 am MT. Since it takes us 8 hours to cover the distance between my son's home in Rancho Cucamonga to Page, AZ that would mean an ETA in Page of around 5 pm including a couple of stops for fuel, and assorted restroom breaks. All this depends on our drive being completely uneventful......that for which we strive on a daily basis when repositioning our machinery.
True to our plan we were indeed on the road by 8 am PST.....unlike the day before the weather was quite dreary and damp.......it was past damp.....it was drizzling. And the drizzle became fog and rain as we climbed I-15 to the summit of Cajon Pass. Eventually, as we crested the summit, the clouds and rain were sent packing by the sun.....
Just past Cajon Summit
......we took a bathroom break at the Barstow Outlet Stores area at a Union Oil fuel station and topped off our tank with gas. I continued driving to a Rest Area just passed Baker, CA where TLE took over driving all the way to Mesquite, NV where we stopped at a Subway for a footlong Ruben Sandwich, I took over the wheel for the last leg of our trip.....we stopped just up the road in St. George, UT at a COSTCO to fill our tank for the last time.....we took on 9 gallons averaging 30 mpg. The rest of the drive back to Page was beautiful, and uneventful.......
About 30 miles southwest of Kanab, UT
Kanab, UT
Almost to the turnoff for Lone Rock Beach, UT
......from Rancho Cucamonga to St. George, UT we averaged just under 75 mph and made wonderful time. The VW Beetle performed wonderfully. We arrived back in downtown Page, AZ at exactly 5 pm MT.......we love it when a plan comes together!
We had a lovely 3+ days in SoCal with our kids and friends, and now it is back to our nomadic workaday life, if you can call it workaday.....when you work in such beautiful places it hardly resembles work as I have known it.
Thanks for stopping by!
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You made real good time and right on schedule, a good day you had.