Monday, November 13, 2017

Desert View - Day 5 - And on it goes......

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4:25 am - Monday - November 13th - Grand Canyon - 34º F, humidity 36%, wind 1 mph out of the southwest......partly cloudy today with a forecast high of 67º F.  Uggghhh!  Why am I up so early???  Well, today the auditors from Regis come to do their audit of our inventory, and we still have a few more things to count before they arrive at 7 am so we will be at work by 6 am, but we should be off early!  Today's blog about our Sunday will be brief for a number of brain does not feel very creative at 4:25 am, I need to take a shower before we go to work, etc.  Thank you for your understanding.

We arrived for our Sunday marathon shift at 7:50 am.....TLE and I counted out our cash drawers and took them out to our registers, and then began.......yup, you guessed it.....counting inventory!  Well, I should say that's what I did.....TLE got to go through all the shelving in the store and merchandise.....this is what she did in her workaday life many years ago, and it is like second nature to her.  

Finally, we began to get customers in the store so I was able to retreat to my register and process customer's purchases.  When I wasn't busy I would return to counting inventory.  Gradually, because it was Sunday, the store got very busy for about 3-4 hours and I spent most of my time at my register, and that is how the rest of long Sunday went......we were finally excused to go home about 6:30 pm.

We had a couple of glasses of wine and I was in bed a little after 8 pm......TLE followed a short time later.  Looking forward to getting past inventory.

Thanks for stopping by!

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1 comment:

  1. Inventory is very monotonous work, soon it will be behind you and can have more fun.


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