Monday, January 3, 2022

A day of firsts.....

 7:07 am - Monday - January 3rd - Anza Borrego Desert, CA - 26° F (coldes night so far), 44% humidity, wind - CALM....crystal clear, blue skies today with a forecast high of 63° F.  On this date in 2019 TLE and I were in Inverness, FL having dinner with good friends Richard and Rhonda (Rhonda is taking the picture)....has it been 3 years already?.....↴

We enjoyed our first cloudless day of 2022 Sunday, and NO wind, another first.  Our batteries were back to 100% by 10:30 am.  Unfortunately the high temp for the day was only 57° F, and that was not reached until after 2 pm.  I tried to spend time in the trailer working on a few projects, but it was just too cold to remain there for more than 10 minutes at a time.

I did manage, late afternoon, to dig a hole into which I dumped five weeks of accumulated ashes from our portable fire pit.  The bush next to which I dug the hole will benefit for a long time to come from those ashes.   And for the first time in a long time TLE asked me to burn some meat on our Sea-B-Que......a very tender London Broil she purchased at Fred Meyers in Newport, OR back in September.  We ate around 4 pm, and were outside by 4:30 enjoying our first sunset fire since 'last year'

.....there were marsh mellows to roast....our first since we arrived here......

.....a nice afterglow, yard lights, a cigar, a couple fingers of single malt, and a little Frank Sinatra courtesy Siriusly Sinatra just made it even better..... the fire burned down, and the cold evening air began to overpower the dwindling heat it was generating we gathered our things, and headed inside for the night.  And thus concludes another delightful day in the Anza Borrego Desert....the third day of 2022 is in the books.

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