Sunday, May 14, 2023


6:20 am - Mothers' Day - May 14th - LPG&RVR - 46° F, humidity 62%, wind 2 mph out of the east by northeast....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 72° F.  On this date in 2019 I had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital in Escondido, CA.  It was determined I had a single blockage, had Angioplasty, and a stint installed....↴

.....four years later I feel the best I have felt in is good!

We were very busy Saturday.  After examining the tees times sheet I immediately staged 14 golf carts, and later in the morning another all 24 golf carts went out, plus numerous privately owned carts.  There was a twosome, or foursome on every hole for hours, but everyone moved along at a good pace, and there were no backups.

After staging the initial 14 carts I headed out to the 3rd tee boxes to check on, and remove any duck/goose leavings, then weeded and raked the usual four sand traps.  I stopped briefly between the 16th tee box and the green to walk through the woods looking for lost golf balls, and managed to find 10 pretty decent balls, which will go into my collection of recovered lost balls, which numbers close to 200 now.  I should never have to buy another golf ball in my life.

I was back at the Clubhouse around 10:15 am to find just 6 of the original 14 carts remaining, so I staged another 6.  They lasted until about 12:30 pm, when I staged the final 4 before going to lunch.

Over the course of the day I made 4 complete counter clockwise circuits around the course checking to be sure there were no backups, and found none.  Eighteen of the carts had returned by 4 pm, and by the time 5 pm rolled around there were still two, or three out, so I called it a day, and headed for home.  TLE did not get home until 5:30 pm as she was having issues with closing, but she got them resolved as she always does. I'm glad it is not me doing her'd be there until 8 pm.

Today (Sunday) is Mothers' Day, and I would like to thank my wife, The Lovely Elaine, for being an amazing mother to five children....I do not comprehend how she did it with such grace.  She never once complained during the child rearing years about her job....she had the hard job in the family...commuting 30 miles to work 5 days a week in terrible traffic, was a picnic compared to being a mother.  You make me want to be a better man every day.  I would also like to wish my two daughters, Kate and Sharon, a HAPPY Mothers' Day....they have 5 children between them, and do a marvelous job of being mothers and wives to two great guys.  Happy Mothers' Day to my sister Hilary who has raised two of the most amazing daughters, to my sister-in-law Jeannie (married my brother Philip) who raised two great kids, and makes my brother very happy, and there is my sister-in-law Lori, who also has raised two more amazing children, and makes my brother Dwyer very happy, also.  To my two daughters-in-law, Rochelle and Laila....I am in awe of what great mothers you have been, and continue to be. You make my sons better men, and for that I will be eternally grateful.  To Cynthia, my first grand child, you are just like your are raising two amazing great grandchildren.  Motherhood is highly undervalued in today's culture, but without good women who happily raise good, productive children, and make their men want to be better men, our world be look like 'Lord of the flies'.  Good women, who are great mothers are the civilizing influence of the world.

Thanks for stopping by!

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