Monday, October 14, 2024

A longish day.....

7:47 am - Monday - October 14th - LPG&RVR - 38° F, humidity 66%, wind 2 mph out of the southeast....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 78° F.  Today is departure day, and the park is empty except for some guys who are laying fiber optic cables along US-395, and they will be here for a couple more months.  On this date in 2021 TLE and I were on the Clinton-Mukilteo Ferry headed to Seattle......

Sunday was a longish day.  It was too cold to do anything outside until after 10 am so we got dressed and headed over to the Clubhouse to have a rare breakfast.  We have done so each October before departing LPG&RVR, to enjoy the ambiance of the deck, while saying our 'until next times' to all our friends.  Since Sunday was 'closing day' the restaurant would only be open until noon time.  The park was quickly emptying as we made the drive over, and by the time we returned an hour later there were only 2 RVs left in the upper section, and that was it.

I had an ambitious game plan for Sunday, which mostly included washing the Newell from top to bottom, literally.  I haven't cleaned the roof in a long time, and after sitting for 6 months I fully expected it to be quite dirty, but it wasn't that bad.  My main concern was being sure the solar panels are clean to maximize their charging capabilities as we motor southward. Once the roof was clean I proceeded to wash all four sides of the Newell, something I have not done in one day, let alone doing it in just a few hours, in years.  I began washing around 12 pm, and finished around 3 pm, and was ready to be done, but there was more to do before the sun set for our final night at LPG&RVR until next May.

I had to dump the black tank, and disconnect the sewer hose, then disconnect the water, and electrical in order to back up the Newell, with TLE's help, to the trailer, so we could drop it on the hitch.  I wanted to plug the trailer into the Newell in order to check the brake, and turn signals on the trailer to be sure they are working before we leave on Monday.  In the past we haven't done this until it was time to leave, and found there were issues which had to be dealt with before we left.  Of course, when you do it ahead of time like we did Sunday, everything works!

All the time I was working outside, with occasional assistance from TLE, she was inside preparing the Newell for travel, and also doing several loads of wash.  There is a lot of work to do inside after being stationary for 6 months, but she does a great job of securing everything so there are no flying projectiles whilst underway.  By the time I finished outside I was beat, but got everything done which needed doing on Sunday.

We'll not be hauling anchor until the afternoon on Monday, so that gives us time to finish putting the final touches on the trailer before VW insertion around 1 pm.  We'll be the last seasonal workers to leave LPG&RVR.  Monday we will have  been here 6 months, and 4 days....time for a new view!!!

Thanks for stopping by!

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