Saturday, October 12, 2024

One of those days.....

5:38 am - Saturday - October 12th - LPG&RVR - 50° F, humidity 44%, wind 5 mph out of the south by southeast.....cloudy today with a forecast high of 65° F.  On this date in 2019 TLE and I were working at Ramona Oaks RV Resort.....our campsite....

Friday was hump day in our abbreviated 3 day work week, and it went quickly.  In all we rented 17 golf carts....not bad for the final Friday of the 2024 season.  I mowed the large Night Office grass area for the final time this season, spent time in the woods on either side of the driving range looking for errant golf balls for the final time this season, and made numerous marshaling rounds of the course to find everyone staying on the green grass as they should.  It was just a very nice normal day at LPG&RVR.

After sitting in for TLE during her lunch break I headed out for one more marshaling round of the course.  About half way around I decided I was going to play 9 holes after my shift ended at 3:30 pm, and that is exactly what I did.  I haven't played a round for about 5 weeks.  No particular reason, just didn't feel like it, but now that my time is short I wanted at least one more round.

However, before 3:30 pm arrived I had a few golf carts to wash, and stow.  There were still 7 carts outstanding when I loaded my golf bag onto my cart, and headed to the 10th hole.  If you are going to play just 9 you want to play the back 9.  I took no warm up shots on the driving range prior to hitting my first driver in 5 weeks.  Understandably, my first shot was a grounder to the right, which went about 40 yards.  I teed up a second ball and hit a nice fade landing around 180 yards out, but in the middle of the fairway.  My second shot was a 5 wood which I hit to within 50 yards of the green.  I then hit a wedge, which came up short, but managed to get a 6 on the par 4 hole.  Next up was the par 3 eleventh hole.  I hit a really nice 7 iron to within 8 feet of the hole, then sank my putt for birdie...that's more like it!

From that point on I was on fire.  I hit a nice drive on the 12th hole to within 80 yards of the hole.  I then hit a 9 iron which just rolled of the green, but made a nice chip, and two putted for a bogey.  On the 13th par 4 hole I hit the longest drive I've ever hit on that hole to within 70 yards of the hole.  I hit a nice wedge, and one putted for another birdie.  Two birdies in the first four holes.

Next up was the long par 5.  I hit a long drive, then a beautiful 5 wood to within 120 yards of the hole.  Kind of muffed my second shot, but then got on the green, and one putted for a bogey.  One of my favorite holes is the 15th, hard dog leg right.  I hit driver off the tee, cutting the corner with a perfect fade. When I drove around the dog leg  to find my ball I saw that it was just 5 feet off the green....I almost drove the green!  I chipped, and two putted for my par.  Next was my favorite hole on the elevated tee box to a small par three green.  My 6 iron landed just off the green on the right side about pin high.  I chipped onto the green, and one putted for my par.

I rarely hit a great tee shot on #17, par 5, but on this day I hit a boomer....about 225 yards out.....long for me....and in the fairway.  I then hit another beautiful 5 wood which landed to the left of the green.  I then chipped the ball onto the green to within 10 feet of the hole, then 2 putted for my par.  Finally, the short par 4, 18th green.  I hit a pretty long drive which landed just off the fairway on the left side, then pitched the ball onto the green, and two putted for par.  

Sometimes all the stars just align, and you have one of those golfing days you will not soon forget, and Friday was one of those days.  I had no three putts, and only one double bogey.  All but one of my wedge shots landed on the green.  As I write I am still smiling about many of those shots I made.  Frankly, I've had a few of those days this year where I could do little wrong.  I'm playing golf as well, if not better than I did when I was in my 30's, and it doesn't cost me a it!  That I could lay off for 5 weeks, and play this well just blows my mind, but laying off that long is not a formula for long term

Thanks for stopping by!

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