7:53 am - Monday - October 28th - TWW - 55° F, humidity 24%, wind 6 mph out of the south.....cloudy today with a forecast high of 68° F. On this date in 2017 TLE and I were taking our daily 3 mile walk at Lone Rock Beach on shores of Lake Powell.....
As of Sunday we've been here at TWW for a week, although it has not felt like that long. We've been getting a lot done, and with Charles and Phyllis here the past two days a lot more has been accomplished. My goal for Sunday was to organize the trailer, and by noon time I had succeeded....
.....I'm not sure I remember when the trailer was that empty....lol...I think we've removed about 1,000 pounds of stuff from the trailer! While I was thusly engaged, Phyllis was tackling the CONEX, which I had begun to work on a couple of days ago, but never finished.....when she was done she asked me to come and see, and I was stunned at what she had accomplished in such a short period of time....an organizational woman after my own heart.....now the workbench is cleared, and can be used for its intended purpose, and all the tools and supplies can now be found, and used. The prior owner left a nice band saw for us, so we've got that going for us, too.....
.....you could not see the back of the CONEX, let alone walk to the back, when she began organizing.....what a transformation!
Once the trailer was at last useable TLE and I turned our attention to completing the first dump of our black tank since we arrived utilizing our SEAFLO Macerator Pump to move the effluent from the black tank to a 'cleanout' about 70' away....
.....in all it took about 40 minutes as this was our first time using the macerator in a few years. Now that everything is setup it will go much faster next time. To flush the black tank we hooked up the water hose to the IBC water tote and pumped water into the black tank. It worked well, and this time I powered the SEAFLO Water Pump using one of the Bluetti solar charger batteries.
Once that was done I was done for the day. I changed out of my work clothes, poured myself a cold glass of ice tea, sat in my recliner, and put my feet up for the rest of the day. There is so much to do here, but everyday we whittle down that long list, and we can begin to see the results around the property.
We had another early dinner around 3 pm in the house with Charles and Phyllis (Taco Salad), a little vino, and a lot of great conversation. Charles and Phyllis will be returning to Phoenix on Monday, so TLE and I will be left to our own devices until they return later in the week. We did have another sunset fire, but the heavy cloud cover to the west mostly obscured our view of the sun.
Thanks for stopping by!
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