Friday, October 18, 2024

And then something jiggled.....

7:48 am - Friday - October 18th - Bishop, CA - 39° F, humidity 40%, wind 14 mph out of the north by northwest (there is actually NO wind right now).  On this date in 2018 we were driving the final leg of our journey to work at Amazon in Campbellsville, these pictures we are near Lexington, KY, and then parked at an RV park across the street from Amazon in Campbellsville, KY.....

Horse country

Heartland RV Park, Campbellsville, KY

 .....this would be our third, and final time working at Amazon.  The view this morning.....

The past few years we have only overnighted at Bishop RV Park, but this time we wanted to stay at least two days, to get a chance to just relax after driving for three straight days, plus check out a couple of the local eateries at which we have not previously dined.  The past two years we have been heading south to keep a deadline at Glamis North Hot Springs, but this year we are under no deadlines....when we get to where we are going, we'll be there.  The day dawned clear after the aforementioned overnight rain, but it was under 40° F until well after 9:30 am, so we just stayed put inside the Newell enjoying the surrounding views until it was warm enough to walk over to Schat's Bakery on Main Street.  It is about 4 blocks from the fairgrounds, and is about a 10 minute walk, at most.....

.....the early morning view Thursday just before we began our walk.  Having coffee and pastries at Schat's is a tradition we have going back many years.  When we were at Mammoth Mountain skiing, or mountain biking we'd often have breakfast at the Mammoth location.  A stopover in Bishop must include coffee and pastries, and the purchase of their famous 'Sheepherder Bread', as well as any other baked goods, which might strike our collective fancy...

....we were back home around 11 am at which time I changed clothes in order to take care of a long deferred task....clean out the Newell engine bays.  They were filthy, and I am embarrassed I procrastinated so long in cleaning them.  I began with the driver side bay by emptying out all the stuff (coolant, oil, transmission fluid, Lynx Blocks, etc.), then thoroughly hosing down the area to remove all the accumulated dust, and dirt

The aforementioned 'stuff' I store in the driver side engine bay

The milk crate in which I store 90% of the 'stuff'

The pressurized 'bug sprayer' I fill with degreaser to clean the interior

Everything back in its onto the passenger side the passenger side engine bay I store our portable fire pit, and pancake air wasn't quite as dirty, but it was a close second....

Clean once again

Everything back in its place....the large 6" x 6" blocks are used to 'block' the coach when I need to go under it, which is rare

....once the engine bays were clean I headed inside to take a much deserved early afternoon nap.

One thing I must confess right now is I've been on pins and needles since Wednesday morning when we were preparing to leave the Elks Lodge in Gardnerville, NV.  As I often do, I checked the oil and coolant before departure.  I was expecting the oil to be down at least a quart (Detroit Diesel 2 strokes do use oil), but it was just past the full line.....hmmm.  Next I checked the coolant and found it down a couple of quarts.  The first thing that entered my mind was coolant was leaving the cooling system and entering the oil pan.....a VERY BAD thing.  Coolant will damage the bearings, and cause a lot of other expensive issues.  As you know, my mind always goes to very dark places when faced with the unexpected.  I could smell no coolant in the engine oil, so I decided to worry a lot, but keep an eye on it when we got to Bishop.  Fast forward to Thursday afternoon....I had not checked the coolant, or oil levels since we arrived in Bishop as I was a little afraid of what I would find.  As I was preparing to clean the engine side bay I decided to 'face the music' and check the coolant level.  What a relief!  The level had not changed since I topped it off on Wednesday morning.  I next checked the oil and found I was down a quart, which I would expect after all of the climbing we did on Wednesday.  I know I already said it, but WHAT A RELIEF!

Another restaurant we have never eaten at in Bishop is 'Holy Smoke' Texas Style BBQ, which is on the opposite side of Main Street from Schat's Bakery.  Wind was forecast for mid afternoon, but by 3:45 pm there was no wind, so we decided to walk over for some ribs.....

.....we arrived a little after 4 pm, ordered a couple racks of ribs (High on the Hog Ribs), and had barely sat down when the ribs arrived.  AMAZING!  We were not able to consume both racks, so we took one of them home for later  

The title of this blog indicates the possibility that the 'Jello' is jiggling, and it is.  We had planned to be in Bishop for just two days, leaving Friday, but we are in the middle of a 30 hour wind event, and one of our least favorite things to do is drive the Newell in windy conditions.....especially a side wind condition, which we would have if we left Friday (this morning), so we have opted to 'shelter in place' here in Bishop until Saturday morning.  Having no deadlines to meet makes the decision very easy for us, so we'll hunker down Friday, and continue our journey on Saturday morning.

Thanks for stopping by!

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