Monday, December 23, 2024

Project cleanup......

7:40 am - Monday - December 23rd - TWW - 39° F, humidity 50%, wind 5 mph out of the east by southeast.....partly cloudy today with a forecast high of 63° F.  On this date in 2021 TLE and I were watching the rain come up the valley from Clark Dry Lake Bed in the Anza Borrego Desert.....

It's been a while since I took a day off from projects here at TWW.  I refer to the work we do as projects, as the term 'work' seems too harsh.  We really enjoy working around the property on various projects, and it really doesn't seem like work.  Kind of like the work we do at LPG&RVR.  TLE and I had basically some clean up work left over from all the things we did during the past week, or so, like putting away the stuff sitting on the large folding table next to the sister Newell.  There was also a need to rake the area around the EcoWorthy Dual Axis Solar Tracking installation to rid the area of rocks, and other debris.  I wanted to be done by 11 am to be able to watch some Sunday NFL games, but you know how one thing leads to another, and the best intentions are left to languish by the least on my part.

We didn't start to do our cleanup until almost 10 am, and by the time we had the sister Newell stuff put away, and the area around the solar tracker raked, and free of rocks, etc. it was after 11:30 am.  TLE is really good about sticking to her plan, but I continued to putter around putting other things away, putting stuff away in the trailer, and cleaning the garage of all the debris left from unpacking the solar tracking system, and then I saw that solar light I bought for the garage sitting on the table and just had to install it so we can have light in the garage when we're working on stuff out there...

....that extra project took me until after 12:30 pm, but then I was definitely done for the day.  The small solar panel, which I installed high on the exterior south wall of the garage will charge the battery in the solar light for about 8 hours before it can be used, so I hope that will be some time on Monday.

Once back in the Newell I changed out of my 'project' clothes (lol) and into some comfortable clothes to watch some NFL football.  TLE made popcorn for the occasion, and I spent the rest of the day ensconced in my recliner napping and watching NFL football.  My LA Rams managed to win a squeaker over the NY Jets 19-9, but that is what they have been doing for the last month....winning when it counts, and now they seem to be headed to the playoffs after an abysmal beginning to their season.  The last game of the day was between the Dallas Cowboys and the Tampa Bay ended with 2 point victory for the Cowboys 26-24 on a last second interception by the Cowboys to preserve the victory.

And thus ended another TWW day....thanks for stopping by!

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