The first report I read Wednesday morning when I got into the office was the 'Who's In The Park' showed 310 sites occupied......I'm pretty sure that number is a high water mark for a Wednesday this summer....over 75% occupancy. Fortunately the next two reports indicated it would not be too hectic of a day....departures - 29, arrivals - 33.....a pretty neutral day, and that's pretty much how it went....not overly stressful....TLE and I clocked out about 1640 hours and headed over to 'Classic Cue' for our weekly fix of fish tacos and a pitcher of 'Downtown Brown'....a great way to unwind.
But wait, there's actually more! Because it was such a laid back day I was able to spend time talking with customers and answering their questions, helping customers get into their sometimes cramped sites, help them get better reception on our cable TV network, etc. I talked with one gentleman who has been coming to Lake Tahoe for 75 years....wait, what? He didn't look that old.....I asked him how old he was.....78 was the he's been coming here since he was 3 years old.....since 1940! He's got me beat by 13 first time in Lake Tahoe was at age 4 in 1953.......I only hope I look that good when I'm his age. It was fun to talk with him about the Lake Tahoe of our childhood.....a much more rural, undeveloped Lake Tahoe.
Only three more weeks to go before our departure date of August 29th when we head up to Cape Blanco State Park just north of Port Orford to be lighthouse docents for a month.....yes we are beginning to get 'hitchitch' once again, just as many of our co-workers. It's been a great summer, and I wouldn't trade it for anything, but once a nomad, always a nomad.....time to change the view TLE!
I know many of you wonder what the heck yesterday's blog post was was written mostly for the benefit of my immediate family who all read the blog on a regular basis. I know many of you feel the same way about your families and would do what ever it takes to protect them.....I just felt it was necessary to restate the obvious.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
2 months ago
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