Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Off the shelf.....

Ahhhhh, we woke up to NO wind!  A perfect day for diving head first into the electrical bay shelf project I bought the materials for Monday.  Since the forecast was for upper 80's temperatures I got to work by 0900 and within minutes was deep into the weeds of this project. 

I had been thinking about installing this shelf for a couple of years at least, and by now had a pretty good idea of what I was going to do, but there are plans, and then there is reality, right?  My plan had been to install a one piece shelf, but within minutes after cutting the 3/4" piece of plywood to size I realized that would not be is just too tight a space to squeeze in that piece of wood.   TLE tell you I am not a very, as she says, 'spacial' kind of guy.  By that she means I cannot look at a space and determine if an object will fit.....she can, and so, therefore, she is the one who usually packs the car for a trip when we are taking more than will seem to fit our limited space in the Beetle.  I am more of a hands on kind of I measured everything carefully (measure twice, cut once) then took the board over to the electrical bay and immediately realized I would have to cut it into two pieces to install it.....

 The plywood cut to size....

.....I cut a piece wide enough to cover the Progressive Dynamics charger/converter, then using the scraps resulting from cutting the plywood down to size built a 'T' platform to support both pieces......

 The reality.....cut the board into 2 pieces....

Both pieces installed.....

.....once that was done the rest of it went together pretty quickly, and I was ready to put the cords, etc. back in the electrical bay.........below is the before picture I had in yesterday's blog, and below that is the after.......


 After.....'s not perfect, but I am pretty happy with how it all turned more thing checked off the 'to do' list.

Once I was done with the new shelf I began looking at those two organizers and wondering if I could use them in my trailer cabinets.  I didn't know if they would fit, so I took them into the trailer, emptied out two of the cabinets and then inserted the organizers.....perfect fit!  So now my trailer cabinets are also better organized, and I can see everything that is in there!

By the time I was finished in the trailer, and had cleaned up my mess it was getting warm, and it was time to get out of the sun.

Around 1830 hours TLE and I decided to walk down to Tio's Tacos for 'Taco Tuesday' son Tim, and his girlfriend, TBL*, met us there for some alfresco dining replete with great Tio's Tacos!  One of the things I love about Tio's is the large alfresco dining area, of which every square inch is paved with hand laid mosaic tile.......

.....this picture does not do the mosaic tile justice, but you get the idea.  We bid our adieus about 0800, and were home by 0825......another day well lived!

Thanks for stopping by!

*TBL = The Beautiful Laila

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