7:21 am - Thursday - 61 F degrees, humidity 34%, wind 5 mph out of the north......clear blue, sunny skies......it is good to be alive, and it is good that the election cycle is finished. It seems to me, and this is just my own personal observation, that people take politics too seriously. Far too many people today invest too much of their lives in political outcomes......they somehow believe that the success, or failure of their candidate reflects upon them personally. Politics is not real life.....it's just politics. I think there is another thing at work which may explain why we are seeing wide spread demonstrations (some of which have devolved into rioting and destruction of personal property) protesting the result of our most recent POTUS election. It seems many, if not most of these folks we see protesting are too heavily invested in government largess. For them, it seems, a change in POTUS means they might lose something they are getting from the government. We have become too dependent on government largess, and when that happens those who have substituted government for family get scared. We used to go to family and churches for help in times of need.....we didn't want to be dependent on the charity of others for any longer than necessary, and worked hard to get back on our feet as soon as possible. We used to work our way through college, and not take out college loans which will take us longer than a mortgage to pay in full. Now we see an entirely different culture which is heavily invested in what they can get from government......frankly the government has no money......they take money from people who work and pay taxes, and turn around and hand it to others who may, or not be in need. There is this disconnect in this current culture......they look to government for assistance on everything under the sun, and just seem to think they, the government, have all this money and they want some of it. The problem is, as I said a few lines ago, the government has no money.......they take money from one group of citizens and give it to another group of citizens. They don't seem to realize the money they get comes from their neighbor, who does not have endless amounts of money. Their neighbor lives on budget which, hopefully, sees more money flowing into their checking account than goes out. The government has no such restraint. They just decide to spend more money.....whether they have it, or not.....raise taxes a little more here and there, and suddenly you have one half of America supporting the other half. I have no doubt some have genuine need, and I am not speaking to those with genuine need....I am speaking of our millennial generation which believes they should get a college degree for free, have all their healthcare for free.....well, that's all well and good, but that stuff they want for free comes from their neighbors, not the government.....free stuff is wonderful until you run out of other people's money to pay for it. So, essentially you have one half of America voting for the guy who will transfer more of the other half's money to them, and you have the that half saying 'enough is enough'.
Let's face it......government has gotten too big. A few years ago I was walking down a street in Washington D.C. and noticed that the Department of Agriculture was on both sides of the street for TWO blocks......why is it that big? Right now there are more people working for government (local, state and federal) in this country than there are people working in the manufacturing sector in this country.......come on, really? Those who voted for Trump want LESS government.......they want less centralization of power.....they want the government to take less money from them.......they want their fellow citizens to be more self sufficient......they want the government to LEAVE THEM ALONE. And isn't that really the bottom line? When people become too dependent on the largess of government they become too invested in political outcomes, and then you have what we are seeing today, two days after the election......people protesting the election of Donald Trump, because they think they may lose something from the government. The bottom line is BIG government divides our country......the government has gotten so big that the concept put forth by the founding fathers of a limited Federal Government with 'enumerated powers' no longer exists. Once the Federal government decided they could force us under law to not only buy health insurance, but what kind of health insurance we had to buy the concept of limited government vanished like a fart in the wind. With the complicity of the Supreme Court they can now pass any law they wish, and force us to do whatever they deem is 'good for us'.....there is no restraint on BIG government anymore.
This is why you see this revolt in the country......half of America does not believe BIG government knows best, and they certainly don't know what is best for them individually. We have seen the complicity of both parties (R & D) with the other two branches of government (Executive and Judicial) to make us less free, less independent. You hear people talk daily about the evils of BIG business....well, frankly, BIG anything is not good.....BIG government, BIG business, BIG unions, BIG school districts.....you name it. With BIG you get corruption, and our government institutions have become completely corrupt. Those who live inside the bubble we call the 'Beltway' not only have no idea of what those of us who live in the middle of the country want, or need, frankly they don't care.....they look at us with disdain and contempt. The leaks of all the emails show how corrupt and rigged the system has become. You see the complicity of MSM (main stream media) with the political parties to get the result they desire. They refer to those of us with out 'college degrees' as UNeducated.....it's insulting, and demeaning. If being UNeducated means I have more common sense and life experience than a 20 something who just graduated from college with a degree in 14th century French poetry, then yes, I'll wear that badge proudly.
Only one of my five children has a college degree (education), and yet they are all self sufficient, and prosperous (insurance, electrician, property manager, chef). We raised them to be strong, intelligent, smart, self sufficient citizens.......we did not teach them to be dependent on BIG government.
So, I guess what I am saying after all the above blather is those who are not invested in political outcomes because they are not dependent upon BIG government tend to get over undesired political outcomes more quickly, and get back to living their lives, which depend in no way on what BIG government might give them......they don't protest and riot. Those who are dependent upon BIG government don't get over it when their guy doesn't win......they protest, they riot and generally throw a group tantrum. They call for the assassination of the their political opponents, they engage in ad hominem attacks alleging fascism, sexism, racism, misogyny, islamophobia, homophobia.....and every despicable pejorative you might imagine.
Yesterday a Facebook 'friend' who voted for the losing candidate demanded that I affirm that I am not a bigot, a racist, homphobic, etc. and that the winning candidate should do the same. This 'friend' said they thought we were friends, and I replied that we could not be friends, because if we were they would not have made that demand.....they would know my character and values as a true friend would. That's the problem.......if you are conservative you are judged by those who have opposite political views to be guilty of all the 'phobias' and 'isms'. After all, it must be true, because you have a different opinion than they.....this is where we have come......unless you hold the 'correct' political opinion you must be a bad person.......no I just have a different political opinion. There is no longer political discourse, there are only ad hominem attacks.....attacks designed to impugn the character of one's opponent.
Nonetheless, just as I did four years ago when the other guy won, I will go on with my life today and live my life as I did before. Granted I will have more of a smile on my face today than four years ago, but in the end it is just another political outcome....the political pendulum will continue to swing back and forth and life will continue.....the sun will rise each day, and hopefully BIG government will be a little less intrusive in my life.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
2 months ago
Well said Clarke. I agree with your assessment 100%.
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of people in this country that are afraid right now. Their fear is based on Trumps own statements. You are right those things don't affect you, but they are very personal to a lot of minorities in this country. Not understanding that shows a lack of empathy on your part.
ReplyDeleteThe younger generation is not lazy, or wanting hand outs. That is insulting to an entire generation that is as big as the Baby Boomer generation. They want fair opportunities to live a decent life with a decent job. Things you were given because the economics of the time where much different when you were younger. Why don't you research how much college tuition cost when you were able to go to school and see how much it is now. Look up the minimum wage as well, there is no way anyone can work and pay full tuition today. It used to be possible, not anymore.
If you think the new administration is going to reduce the size of the government that is laughable. The Republican establishment has been redistributing money from the middle class and giving it to corporations since Reagan. The trickle down economics has never worked.
Republicans also wax poetic about how they want less regulation. How they don't want the government to interfere in their personal lives.....but only if you are white, gun owning, and male. If you are a woman, gay, or some other ethnicity then we have laws to keep you from having abortions, getting married, or gerrymandering congressional districts to keep you from voting. I'm glad you feel ok with that, but a lot of people do not.
I do hope Trump will be different than who he was on the campaign trail. I hope he stands up to both the Republican and Democratic establishment and gets things done. I also hope he refuses to go along with the alt-rights conservative social agenda and keeps the government out of our personal lives; however, given his own statements in the past that is unlikely.
Today I am not protesting. Today I am profoundly sad.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteTim, I would love to have a discussion with you about what I actually wrote, but not one single thing you addressed in your missive responds to anything I wrote. I never accused anyone of being lazy....that is your characterization. I believe people are too invested in political outcomes at an outgrowth of their over dependence on government. Your response puzzles me as I did not discuss the fears of those on the left, I did not discuss abortion, women's rights, gay rights, minority rights. I did not discuss, or even allude to gun rights, election process.....I talked about the fact that I am not dependent upon government, so regardless of who runs the country it really has no effect on me.....frankly most of what you wrote confirms what I said in closing. I wish you could talk to my three adult daughters about the characterizations of me you made.....they will get a real kick out of what you believe about me......you don't know anything about me, but you have immediately assumed you do. I don't know a thing about you either, and I would never jump to any conclusions about your character, or values....why is it so easy for you to do so? Frankly Tim what you wrote says more about you than me......you have attempted to reduce me to a stereotype....surely you are not that shallow.
DeleteOddly enough I find myself taking a break from writing a similar style letter as yours. Taking a break to read blogs and relax. I agree with your comments, and so strongly disagree with the comments by Tim. However, that is the wonderful freedom we have....the right to disagree. Time will tell if this was the right decision, but as for me, I am praying for a positive result !
ReplyDeleteWell said sir. I've been reading your blog every day for at least a couple of years since a friend told me about it and I don't usually post replies but your description of the current state of our population is spot on. I just want to be left alone to live my life without any undesired government interference. Enjoy your time with family in SoCal and safe travels.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading your blog for several years. We are not full timers, but have an RV and enjoy travelling and seeing this bea utiful country. You spoke well and we agree with most of what you said, hope there really will be positive change for our country. As DJT said what do you have to loose.
ReplyDeleteI can understand and agree with Clarke's statement in general, but like so much about what is going on in our country, it is a generalization that omits a lot. For that reason I am thankful for Tim's comments because generalities do not give the whole picture. I think a big part of the success of Trump can be given to those who want less government, but sadly too many of those who supported him, and his own words are not just offensive but threatening in their effect on many in our country.
ReplyDeleteAnd Tim's comments reduced me to a generalized stereotype. Do you, Horst, believe he properly characterized me? As I write I am watching protesters burn businesses, scream 'F U Trump', and saying people must die because of the election result......tell me I have overstated my position. Where is the conservative equivalent of what the left is going on tonight? There is none. What is happening tonight completely vindicates my missive.
DeleteClarke, I only said I was thankful for Tim's comments. And I said I agree with your comments in general. I did not think I reduced you to anything. I thought you made a strong point for your position. Do I agree or support with the stuff you mentioned about protesters? Of course not. I did think it was a good exchange of ideas about the election. I think generalities do not cover all that needs to be said. I do agree with you about what your dad said about not talking about politics. I had already told Sue that I was going to stay away from talking about the election because of how polarized so many people are. But when I read what you wrote and Tim's response I wanted to add a few words. I was trying to not be judgemental of anyone or their views. I love the freedom we have in this country to discuss touchy subjects and still remain friends.
DeleteWarmest regards,
Well I will say this. I have been reading you blog since day one and I cannot remember ever having nine comments on any other daily entry. Also in my 77 years of life I have never seen this action by the citizens of the United States after an election for the President.
ReplyDeleteJust a sad time. Well said. I can see all sides but can see absolutely nothing positive coming out of these protests/riots. Obama, still being in office, should be addressing this and calming fears.